Thank you for the link Belinda. I keep hoping she'll bounce back and begin to take enough nutrition on her own. I am coaxing her to eat every hour, or so, but I haven't started syringe feeding yet.

Belinda Sauro wrote:

If Gypsy doesn't mind the syringing too much you should try to get more food into her, not baby food but real food. You can blend it to get it liquidy enough. She really needs nutrition or she will not make it. Even if you just try syringing her a bit to get her started every hour or so, but if she isn't eating enough, a tablespoon or two of food is not enough food to live on. You might want to join the FAF group (Feline Assited Feeding), many on there assist feed or syringe and some have made an art of it and are quite good at it and their kitties have gotten used to it.

Here is the group address if you want to check into it:

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