At 03:10 PM 9/20/02 -0400, you wrote: >What was the best thing *before* sliced bread?
>Semantically speaking, these two blocks of text are equivalent: [snip] Too much redundant text. You don't need it. The whole text pool is: Kyrie eleison Christe eleison (The second "eleison" is not really redundant because it is a different sentence of the text, but you could cut it. I wouldn't.) You can add the hyphens in the pool if you don't expect them to change much ... Ky-ri-e e-le-i-son Chri-ste e-le-i-son ...because you can adjust a few of them later in-score if there will be (say) an "e-le'-son" among them. It's really all you need. Since the hyphenated style would be most familiar, and wouldn't require Finale to install a Greek hyphenation dictionary :) ... to get this: >Ky-ri-e e-le-i-son, e-le-i- son, >Ky-ri-e e-le-i-son, e-le-i-son, >Chri-ste e-le-i- son, e-le-i-son, >Chri-ste e-le-i- son, >Ky-ri-e e-le-i-son, e-le-i-son, >e-le-i-son, Chri-ste e-le-i-son, >e-le-i-son, e-le-i-son, e-le-i-son, >e-le-i-son, e-le-i-son, >Ky-ri-e e-le-i-son. Do this (I'm matching how you typed the lyrics above in my typing below): Click the lyrics tool, menu-open a new text pool window, and type: Ky-ri-e e-le-i-son Chri-ste e-le-i-son Click the position in the music that will begin receiving lyrics. In the text window, click-drag-select "Ky-ri-e e-le-i-son", assign, select "e-le-i-son", assign. Undo select, assign, redo select, assign. Select "Chri-ste e-le-i-son", assign, select "e-le-i-son", assign. Undo select, assign. Select "Ky-ri-e e-le-i-son", assign, select "e-le-i-son", assign. Assign, select "Chri-ste e-le-i-son", assign. Select "e-le-i-son", assign, assign, assign. Assign, assign. Select "Ky-ri-e e-le-i-son", assign. Close window, save file. >From start to finish that's 9 click-drag-selects, 4 clicks, and 59 keystrokes (17 assigns, 2 undo, 1 redo, 1 file save, and 38 used to type the text pool entry, with hyphens), and the lyrics are typed and in place in the score. Pretty simple and fast, and with no confusion at all. You work linearly, the text pool provides what you need in a nonlinear way. You'd be seeing the assignment happen next to the text pool window, so if there are scanning exceptions, you can do them immediately or later. If the syllables don't match in places, shift-select from that syllable to the end, drag, drop. Auto-rescan or manual. Correct any hyphenation anomalies by dragging the hyphen marker. If the line below scans the same way (or even close), click in score, shift-arrow-select, copy, click, paste. You could also back syllables up 'over' an existing syllable to create a liaison, and a popup would ask you for 'overwrite' or 'join'. Since they're all windows into the same text pool, there's no destructive behavior. Dennis _______________________________________________ Finale mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]