On Thursday, June 5, 2003, at 08:32 PM, Richard Yates wrote:

Richard Huggins wrote:
I agree wholeheartedly, Darcy. It was the first time over several
upgrades I did not bite. MakeMusic surely didn't underestimate their
customer base's professional savvy did they?

The improvements in F2003 were very substantial in the implementation of
tablature. This list seems to include few who would have a use for this, so
I would not conclude that they misjudged the general market.

I don't know, Richard. Like I said, I've never seen them extend the "special early bird" price for so long, nor introduce an "upgrade from any version for $99" deal after the early bird expires, not extend deals of any sort into the summer like this. It's pure speculation of course, but this suggests to me that the upgrade was not widely adopted and Coda didn't meet their targets for Fin2003.


- Darcy

Boston MA

No one likes us
I don't know why
We may not be perfect
But heaven knows we try
But all around, even our old friends put us down
Let's drop the Big One and see what happens

- Randy Newman, "Political Science"

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