On Friday, Jan 2, 2004, at 15:34 US/Pacific, Christopher BJ Smith wrote:

I often write for big band, and homophonic sections are easily entered by holding down big fat 4 or 5 part chords on the MIDI keyboard with one hand while entering the note value with the other, on the first trumpet part for example, then Exploding it to the other trumpet staves.

As a matter of clarification, and not to disagree with your other remarks on Finale's Explode, I would characterize anything with such lock-step rhythm and (presumably) continuously parallel motions as being conceptually one "part". Like in a 4 part piece, it would be one part ("homophonic sections" and "first trumpet part" notwithstanding) and the various trumpets being the "voices" of the part. Agree or disagree?


As to what you just said, I don't (in my music, anyway) differentiate between homophonic voicings in parallel or similar motion, and voicings in non-parallel motion, for the purposes of notation. If two or more instruments sharing a staff have the same rhythm, I want them to share stems...

Ok, I'll have to figure out how to "voice" the question another way. :-)

Philip Aker http://www.aker.ca

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