Excellent point. How many people actually find that MicNotator thing useful?
I've tried it once or twice and it was terrible..........

On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 2:22 AM, dhbailey <

> Fisher, Allen wrote:
>> Eric--
>> I'd really like to know who told you that we were dropping Speedy. This
>> FUD has been spread on the public forum as well.
> I can guess how the rumor got started -- in the promo material for Fin2009
> on the web-site, on the page dealing with Note Entry, there is a tab for
> Simple Entry, for Hyperscribe, for MicNotator and for Scanning.  No mention
> of Speedy Entry at all.  And since you're making such a big deal of all
> those methods which have been part of Finale for many versions and you make
> *no* mention of Speedy Entry at all on the page about note entry, it's an
> easy assumption that you've decided to drop Speedy Entry.  I'm sure there
> are many more people who use Speedy Entry than use MicNotator, yet you make
> a big deal of MicNotator and fail to mention Speedy Entry at all.  For
> people already spooked by the major tool realignment from Finale2008 and who
> have read the comments about how Speedy Entry will eventually be done away
> with when its functionality is moved over to Speedy Entry, this failure to
> mention Speedy Entry is significant.
> Blame your publicity department for failing to mention what for many of us
> is the major or only method of note entry.
> --
> David H. Bailey
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