Aaron Sherber wrote:
At 01:39 PM 7/16/2008, Chuck Israels wrote:
 >I am another committed Speedy Entry user who has attempted using
 >Simple Entry a few times and quickly abandoned it. Tom Johnson told me
 >a couple of years ago that the long term plan was to make Simple have
 >an option that would allow pitch first, then duration - the way Speedy

For my money, this is absolutely crucial. Every time I try Simple, I get hung up on having to think duration and then pitch. It's not the way I think with pen and paper (I move to the right place on the staff and then draw a note of a certain duration), so why would it be the way I think in software?

Because it's easier if we don't burden the developers with our desires for things to work as we do?

David H. Bailey
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