On 16.07.2008 dhbailey wrote:
I can guess how the rumor got started -- in the promo material for Fin2009 on 
the web-site, on the page dealing with Note Entry, there is a tab for Simple 
Entry, for Hyperscribe, for MicNotator and for Scanning.  No mention of Speedy 
Entry at all.  And since you're making such a big deal of all those methods 
which have been part of Finale for many versions and you make *no* mention of 
Speedy Entry at all on the page about note entry, it's an easy assumption that 
you've decided to drop Speedy Entry.  I'm sure there are many more people who 
use Speedy Entry than use MicNotator, yet you make a big deal of MicNotator and 
fail to mention Speedy Entry at all.  For people already spooked by the major 
tool realignment from Finale2008 and who have read the comments about how 
Speedy Entry will eventually be done away with when its functionality is moved 
over to Speedy Entry, this failure to mention Speedy Entry is significant.

Blame your publicity department for failing to mention what for many of us is 
the major or only method of note entry.

Furthermore, I remember that we were at least half-officially told that Speedy entry will not be further developed in any future versions of Finale, as it had been decided to go Simple, and to convert people over to Simple. This was a complete mystery to me then, as Speedy has a lot of potential to be developed further, and I am sure there are at least as many power users using Speedy as there are using Simple. I have always asked for better control over Speedy keyboard commands (there are a lot of problems for users of foreign keyboards) and add the ability to enter at least articulations in Speedy. I, for one, have not found Simple to be better or faster, and believe me, I have tried, especially as I originally had the impression Simple would work better for Laptop entry without a MIDI keyboard. Well, for me it does not, and even though I have spent many hours trying to get used to it, it simply does not do it for me.

I really hope that eventually MM will realize what potential Speedy would have if it was improved to be the pro-tool for note entry.



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