John Howell wrote:
At 8:54 AM -0400 8/2/08, dhbailey wrote:

But why is this issue being raised now, when these same major publishers have been using Finale for many years? Why wasn't the staff-list limit lowered to 4 many years ago? That's the part that baffles me -- did these publishers simply wake up and say "Oh, my goodness, you know we've been crippled by all these staff lists for all these years and didn't even know it?"

Ummm, did I miss something in all these identically-named posts, or am I correct in saying that NO PUBLISHER HAS ACTUALLY SAID THAT THIS IS A PROBLEM FOR THEM?!!! I thought someone just brought the possibility up out of thin air as an apologia for MakeMusic's unannounced, unexplained, and obviously unwanted arbitrary change. If I missed it, which publisher is it that made that statement?


No, way back in this thread, this was put forth as a reason specifically stated by MakeMusic as a reason. They supposedly sampled a "large" number of users, which included major publishers, and found that four was the ideal number somehow.

The names of specific publishers was never mentioned, as I would expect and hope, simply because any complaint or suggestion should remain anonymous to the public at large. What hasn't been mentioned to my satisfaction is exactly what problems publishers would have due to large numbers of staff lists, nor why this problem has only now come forth when the program has not had such a restrictive limit on staff lists before.

The solution was elegantly stated within the past few days, to the effect that publishers who don't want more than four staff lists, or who want the staff lists which get used to be defined or labeled in any specific manner can simply release Submission Guidelines which if not followed will result in immediate return of submitted materials (provided return postage is included). How difficult is it for Alfred (was Warner Brothers) or Hal Leonard (the two biggest publishers of music in the U.S. these days) to add the following items to any list of submission guidelines:

1) all works submitted must be created using Finale
2) all works shall have only four staff lists as the maximum, labeled as follows:
        1; 2; 3; 4
2a) any works submitted with more than 4 staff lists shall be immediately returned for revision

Why should all Finale users have to change their work-flow because some publishers felt it was easier to get Finale changed than to add a couple of conditions to their submission guidelines?

That makes no sense whatsoever, so I think that MM may simply be using that as a smokescreen to hide the true reason for the limitation, one that they don't want to admit to.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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