I received FinMac2k9 a few hours ago and have had a quick look to ascertain the damage of the crippled Staff Lists. I've got that ole sinking feeling... I can see that being able to duplicate Categories could have opened up some exciting new possibilities if it had been coupled with unlimited Staff Lists. As it is, there might be some minor benefits to duplicating some of the Categories that have the 4 SLSs, from the point of view of housekeeping expressions into tidy groups, but that's about it. Compelling users to think in terms of tempo, expressive marks, dynamics categories is not necessarily a bad thing, if only they hadn't neutered the SLs.

The new Expressions UI is OK but it quickly became a drag with lots of mouse movement/scrolling to navigate around. I don't know about others, in most dialog/selection boxes (eg the OSX Finder dialogs) I expect to be able to type in the beginning letter or letters of a text string and expect the dialog box to automatically scroll to the entry and highlight/select it. I've been waiting for this for years in the Measure Expressions dialogs and the saving grace was TGTools' Staff Expression sorter. But instead MM have opted to give us another 'one size fits all' solution and take us back to the stone age with the Note Expressions UI, ie a whole bunch of glyphs in a grid (OK the resize is a nice addition if it were properly implemented). In order to get the new Expression UI to look like a list I had to zoom out to max (more mouse clicks!). And still no auto scroll with quick access via keyboard entry. Sheee. If only MM had opted for something like the OSX Finder windows which all have three standard views (icons, list and columns) with keystrokes or radio buttons AND auto scroll on keyboard entry. Like DUH...

I also checked the old Bookmarks function which went flaky I think couple of versions back (it doesn't sort alphabetically but something like reverse chronological but not quite!). I use Bookmarks often as a quick way to get around a score that often has measured, unmeasured sections and combos often user-defined measure numbers. I find it a drag to have to constantly think in either measure or page numbers. When they sorted alphabetically it was easy to set up a systematic sequence and zip around the score quickly. I did some quick tests on other files where I've used extensive bookmarks and it appears that having the default text "Bookmark" as the initial string seems to help in making it sort alphabetically most of the time. I opened a brand new 2k9 file from a template and added the following entries in chronological order at a distance of 2 measures apart (except for the "Scene2b" which is allocated to the measure immediately following "Scene2): Act1Scene1, Act1Scene2, Act1Scene3, Bookmark Act1Scene1, Bookmark Act1Scene2, Bookmark Act1Scene3, Bookmark Act1Scene2b and Way To Go 'Diva' Aria.

And after I closed the dialog and opened it again they appeared as follows:

Way To Go 'Diva' Aria
Bookmark  Act1Scene1
Bookmark  Act1Scene2
Bookmark  Act1Scene2b
Bookmark  Act1Scene3

This is a fairly elementary and necessary navigation tool (I'm thinking along similar lines of the Memory tools in Pro Tools or Logic Pro which can be allocated to beats or time code along the usual other assignments such as views, zoom functions etc). The Bookmarks list in Finale should be able to be sorted (all modes should have ascending or descending or forward/backward numberings) according to different criteria such as alphabetically, by measure numbers (actual or user defined), chronologically in order of entry or chronologically according to time code (since Finale is moving ever closer to being something like a DAW with the addition of imported video playback).

cheers, Claudio

Claudio Pompili
composer, sound designer, music consultant
http://www.claudiopompili.net.au/ (**2002-2003 Golden Web Award**)
Skype: claudiop_509
Australian Music Centre http://www.amcoz.com.au;
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