Tyler Turner wrote:

--- On Mon, 7/28/08, Robert Patterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What augers worst for me in this attitude is the clear
trend. Sibelius always took knocks because it wasn't as
flexible as
Finale. When the Finn brothers were in charge Sib was
inflexible. Now MM seems to want to throw away their
competitive edge
with both hands and embrace the Finn brothers' ideas

Sibelius' lack of flexibility is really the thing that allowed it to survive 
and make it in this market. Flexibility only works in Finale's favor if the 
implementation always makes it clear what the BEST method is in a given 
situation. And that is the single largest problem Finale has faced all along. 
Finale's flexibility is really only attractive to a fairly small (but 
important) percentage of its users - for the rest, it has served as a stumbling 
block that makes the program take longer to learn and slower to use. 
Inevitably, people end up using less than ideal tools for completing their work 
in Finale, and that goes for people of all experience levels. I've never seen 
anyone who truly uses the best tool for the job in Finale 100% of the time. 
Sibelius isn't perfect that way, but having fewer ways to accomplish most tasks 
has definitely helped them funnel people into techniques that are often more 
effective than the ones people stumble upon in Finale.

Sibelius' lack of flexibility (especially early on) may have given it a slow 
start with engravers, but it was exactly the thing that brought it success with 
college students and other new users that join the market each year.

Starting in an inflexible mindset has allowed Sibelius to gradually become more flexible, allowing more and more user control (they do still have a ways to go to match Finale's flexibility in every aspect) and thus looking more favorable as each new version has come out. This has given Sibelius users the impression (valid or not) that Sibelius is responsive to the concerns of the end-user, that the company listens and cares and does something about it.

Being flexible as Finale has been means that when it makes what appear to be arbitrary decisions to limit that flexibility it only antagonizes current users who may have grown accustomed to depending on that very flexibility that Finale is removing. It appears as a product which is no longer concerned very much with its user base. Was there a huge outcry on the official Finale forum from users that having so many staff lists was a hindrance and should be restricted? I doubt it. So who exactly were they listening to? People they were already paying. Instead of listening to people who are paying them. I guess the folks in charge of running the business at MakeMusic were asleep during that class at business school where they should have learned that a company should ask its employees and contractors about improvements in running the company but they should ask their paying customers about changes in the products the customers are paying for.

Finale is still more flexible than Sibelius in a lot of areas, yet the perception is that Finale is becoming inflexible, which is something that worries long-term users. What's next for Finale to remove from our toolboxes?

And more importantly, what was the reasoning for the limiting of staff-styles? If it isn't a programming issue, then they could have kept the larger number it had. If it is a programming issue, then why are they continually forcing ever-more-rigid versions out the door too early in an effort to keep their annual-upgrade cash flow going? Isn't SmartMusic holding its end of the company up? If not, then why did they take developers away from Finale and why are they pushing SmartMusic so much more than Finale? If SmartMusic *is* holding its own, then why can't MakeMusic stop the annual "shove it out the door, ready or not" process and take a bit longer between the upgrades for Finale.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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