On 17-Feb-09, at 17-Feb-09  1:26 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

On 17 Feb 2009, at 8:59 AM, Robert Patterson wrote:

Darcy James Argue wrote:

I will repeat, for not the first time, that I do not understand the rationale for anyone leaving "Automatically Update Layout" off.

Here is mine: Finale has a bug in how it relates to plugins and you can avoid that bug by turning off AUL. Specifically, any plugin that needs to determine page layout info, such as which system and/or page a measure may be on, does not work reliably if AUL is on. That includes, specifically, my Beam Over Barlines plugin and others.

Okay, that's a good reason. I haven't encountered that problem with any of your plugins, but I don't use Beam Over Barlines.

David's reasons, on the other hand, make no sense at all to me. He keeps mentioning issues related to Automatic Music Spacing, which of course has nothing to do with Automatic Update Layout, and his concerns about fragmentation and churn seem unwarranted.

MM should fix the plugin issue and then remove the option to toggle Automatic Update Layout -- in effect making it always on.

In older versions of Finale I would sometimes make tacet sheets with the titles all there but with all the staves deleted and replaced with the word TACET in large size Arial Black. Updating the layout on these files would cause the titles to disappear, leaving me with a blank page. Since command-U is practically a nervous tic with me, this caused me problems at times... 8-)

I have also noticed in 2008 and 2009 that updating of layout does NOT occur automatically in some situations where it should, like after respacing one measure in a system. Maybe this is because it got turned off, as Darcy mentioned in a previous post, and I never thought to check, assuming it WAS on. I will be vigilant in the future for this.


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