I agree wholehearted with Robert on this. A few years back, before linked parts, I did a HUGE opera for a client in Finale 2003. It was in 2 acts and the total measure count for both files was over 3000 measures. The score was laid out and printed, and all the parts were extracted and printed, and the opera went into rehearsals. Naturally there were cuts, additions, edits large and small, and it was a royal PITA to have to make edits to the score and each part, one by one. Re- extraction would have been impossible due to the changes coming in day after day, week after week. Would anyone want to relay out extracted parts 10-12 times or more?? Not me. So the linked part feature was a major reason I upgraded to 2007.

But, while the implementation is woefully buggy and kludgy, it's way better to make changes twice than anything more numerous. If MM EVER works out the failings (hmm…) we all might be able to keep things in only one file. But right now, even with 2009, it's still too maddening. Having two files is much more manageable.

My 2 cents, FWIW.

J D  Thomas

On Feb 23, 2009, at 6:30 AM, Robert Patterson wrote:

When you think about all the hoops you have to jump thru with measure numbers, cues, clef changes, etc, does anyone really believe it is quicker to do all that than make the occasional revision twice in two different files?

The I way work it isn't even close. Two files is far less work and more reliable. Especially given that any major revisions still require page layout rework in each part, no matter if the parts share the same file as the score or have their own.

And this not to mention all the critical features that cannot be different in score and part that yet must be: special tool adjustments and hairpin widths are the two most obvious.

Johannes Gebauer wrote:

but for the publication stage I always have two files.

Robert Patterson

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