This message is from: Genie Dethloff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am currently spear-heading a family transition, which is a weird way to say I am spending my time working on getting our house in Ann Arbor, Michigan sold and looking for a house to buy in S.E. Connecticut. After 20 years here, we are moving as my husband's employer Pfizer (large drug company) is closing up shop in Ann Arbor. He is now a VP in drug safety for three of their therapeutic areas of drugs. Most of the work he supervises is in England so he has become an international traveler one week a month. He isn't involved in horses but "gladly" finance my small venture of one fjord who is boarded at a local farm where my trainer comes to give lessons.

I took a few years off work as my daughter was finishing high school and I was in school to get a certification in website development. Now my daughter is off at college, my brain doesn't want to do technical stuff anymore so I am deciding what will be my new career after we move. I spent 20+ years doing basic science and medical research, then volunteered a lot but was not able to make a career of therapeutic riding, then went on to computer support and training, and then website design. I still haven't decided what I want to do when I grow up - heck I'm only 54!!

We are looking for a house with 3-10 acreage in Connecticut, enough to have two horses at home part of the year and to raise one foal. Where we are moving many people have horses at home and there are many state park, forests, and conservation land with trails. My husband Lloyd is sure any day now, I will quit this dressage stuff and just enjoy having a horse at home and trail riding - we are both appalled at what board costs for any place with an indoor arena in the area we are moving to.

PS - I have saved the helmet that saved my head from the beam that my head struck as I was forcably ejected from a past horse I owned.
Genie Dethloff
Ann Arbor, Michigan

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