In answer to some recently posted comments:

        1) Yes the SDR-1000 is a valuable piece of test equipment in my lab.

        2) Yes, the SDR-1000 is my primary radio as I work CW, PSK31, RTTY,
Hellscriber, etc. etc.

        3) I have yet to find a mode where the meter function could not supply
useful information to me.

        4) If the display was dis-concerting to me, I just would not look at it 
change it to another function.

        5) Yes, I can watch the "flickering" meter and optically resolve an
average, or be cognizant of a peak value. I am 73 years old and have the
eyesight that goes with that so I am not a techie possessing superior

        6) No thank you, I appreciate the thoughfulness of someone supplying HP
catalogs, but I have quite enough HP equipment for my needs at present. A
list would be supplied if requested.

Grinning all the time.....

Jim, W4ATK

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