> Geoff McLane wrote:
> > When running your fgfs.exe the log ends abruptly with
> > ********* Before globals->saveInitialState()
> ... first thing ... is "delete initial_state;" but initial_state ... 0
> Q Can you delete a NULL pointer? 
> A ... deleting a pointer with a value of zero...
>  is guaranteed to be harmless." (ibid., Page 499)

Wow? What is programming about?

It should not be a question as to whether it is ok to
delete a null! Any allocator/deallocator of memory
can or may not have such 'testing' before commitment ...
entirely implementation dependant.

You programmed the machine - you 'know' if it is the 1st
time thru, or an iteration - clean up your own mess.
Do not trust the 'compiler' to do what you want!!!
Write what you want in code ...

A function should not conceptually begin with, well I
better try to clean up what I didn't clean up before,
before I start ...

Even if(p) delete p; is horrific if you do not know
what is in p! As mentioned msvc debug will fill
an unitialised class ptr p with a value cdcdcdcdcd!

Like the man who took his dog for a walk, only to
find out he did not have a dog :-))
Its ok, I'll just delete him that does not exist!

I really look forward to an exe update I can try.

I have now had a chance to try a few other FDM's,
and am now totally sold on 'magic'. This is 'flying'.

My exe crashed on ada and just 'sat' on the runway
in 'balloon'. But with magic the system soared.

For the very first time I saw sustained fps rates in
excess of - dare I say it - 20s+. Fluid js actions ... the
works. Those of you who have machines that do this
all the time must be bored with my whining about
'stuttering' ... sorry.

There is a GREAT flight simulator here, but how
to make it 'co-operatively' work on the current pc
system it is running in?

A step closer we hope ...



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