Christian Mayer writes:
>Geoff McLane wrote:
>> My exe crashed on ada and just 'sat' on the runway
>> in 'balloon'. But with magic the system soared.
>Well, the balloon lacks one significant thing for an FDM: enable the
>"plane" to move around. The balloon model works nicely for raising and
>sinking (just give full throttle...), but as I wrote it I didn't have a
>clue how to change my horizontal position (and still haven't got one).

Well if you just wanted to drift with the wind and be 'cheesy'
you could use the simgear direct geodetic solver to get a new lat lon
based on current position speed and course

distance below = windspeed * time

 * Given a starting position and an offset radial and distance,
 * calculate an ending positon on a wgs84 ellipsoid.
 * @param alt (in) meters
 * @param lat1 (in) degrees
 * @param lon1 (in) degrees
 * @param az1 (in) degrees
 * @param s (in) distance in meters
 * @param lat2 (out) degrees
 * @param lon2 (out) degrees
 * @param az2 (out) return course in degrees
int geo_direct_wgs_84 ( double alt, double lat1, double lon1, double az1, 
                        double s, double *lat2, double *lon2,  double *az2 );



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