Hi all,

Registration can be really usefull if some of our user are considering there is 
too many "children" on the frequency. Ebery body has the possibility to setup 
its own FGCom server disabling the "guest:guest" account and only accept 
registered pilot on their server.
In this case server admin can choose who can use his server or not. He just 
need to add an account for each user he is accepting to use his server.

If you need to restart FGCom, just un-check then re-check the "Enable" checkbox 
in FGCom dialog, that's done ! :)

I'm not convinced adding a string is relevant, in real life you haven't a 
message you tell you if you are correctly connected to X frequency. The only 
way to check is to look at your radio, in FG it's the same.

FGCom standalone is not yet ready for the new FGCom server because he use an 
old "positions.txt" file. If you upgrade your server now every OpenRadar/FGCom 
standalone user won't be able to connect to most of frequencies and here is my 
main problem... FGCom has been created with some bugs and now it's time to 
solve them but it require to loose the compatibility with old FGCom. That's 
something really hard to deal.
As resume:
- If you upgrade your server OpenRadar/FGCom standalone will be unsable until 
positions.txt is upgraded
- If we upgrade positions.txt, your server will be unusable for OpenRadar/FGCom 
- Until positions.txt is not upgraded OpenRadar/FGCom cannot use 

As example, today if you use FGCom integrated and you are connected to 
fgcom.flightgear.org you need to set 118.175MHz (which is correct in 
real life) in order to be connected to Carpentras LFNH Twr. If you are 
connected to delta384.server4you.de you need to set 118.170MHz (which is
 wrong in real life) in order to be connected to Carpentras LFNH Twr.

As you can see it looks like a headache... I think we are forced to break the 
old compatibility for a time (once every client are up to date everything will 
works as expected). But this new feature has revelated others projects. If we 
choose to develop another communication system we will break the system 

A solution could be to release a new FGCom standalone (used by OpenRadar) 
compatible with fgcom.flightgear.org with FG 3.0.0. Once FG (and so FGCom) 
3.0.0 are released you can upgrade your server.

For information I've create a script which do all the work for you, you just 
need to setup a debian system, then execute the script, take a long coffee, 
then come back and you have a working FGCom server. The script is available at: 

I see we share the same worries about the bandwidth, I agree we need to have a 
solution for sharing FGCom bandwidth. It seems IAX trunk is the solution but I 
don't know how to setup this for now.

@Adrian: feel you free to inform me about your works for radio propagation <-> 
fgcom. We will see what we can do and if the server side can manage it.

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