- Apakah TNI AD dibawah komando HMS memang kejam?

Pimpinannya itu telah memerintahkan kematian 500,000 - 3 JUTA jiwa.
Silahkan dinilai sendiri.

- Apakah para pemimpin agama sedemikian tak berperikemanusiaan?

Anda tidak bisa melakukan stereotype seperti itu.
Sebut saja nama tokoh agama mana/sejarah tindakannya?

- Dan apakah hal itu terjadi karena selama ini simpatisan PKI begitu meresahkan 
bangsa Indonesia yg non PKI.

1) Tolong disebut peristiwanya agar bisa didiskusikan.
2) Meresahkan bangsa Indonesia yang non PKI? Yang diresahkan oleh PKI adalah 
yang punya tanah hasil pemberian Belanda dan tidak rela mengembalikannya pada 
rakyat yang tanahnya (desanya) direbut oleh Belanda.
3) Bagi mereka yang tidak punya tanah, faktanya, resah karena kisah-kisah yang 
dimediasi oleh Orde Baru.
4) Ingat, bahwa anggota PKI adalah juga bagian dari SAREKAT ISLAM.


Alamarhum ayah saya pernah cerita; beliau mantan Anshor waktu itu, pembantaian 
thd para simpatisan/ aktifis PKI tsb adalah bentuk pembalasan atas semua ulah 
yg dibuat oleh para aktifis PKI, mereka meneror para agamawan, memusuhi para 
tuan tanah dan mengancam akan membagi-bagi tanah mereka bila PKI menang dalam 

1. Tolong disebutkan peristiwanya yang spesifik, hingga bisa di didiskusikan, 
dan yang datanya bisa diakses.
2. Tolong disebutkan "ulah yang dibuat oleh para aktifis PKI" ini, sehingga 
layak dibantai antara 500 ribu sampai 3 juta orang.

Saya mengajak Anda untuk fair, dan obyektif.
Silahkan dibaca "Ulah yang dibuat oleh para aktifis PKI" ini:
Tolong ditunjuk yang mana kegiatan yang "begitu meresahkan mereka yang non-PKI" 
Saya pilih artikel yang referensinya dibuat oleh orang luar, agar lebih 


+ In May 1925, the Exec Committee of Comintern in a plenary session ordered 
communists in Indonesia to form a united anti-imperialist front with 
non-communist nationalist organizations, but extremist elements dominated by 
Alimin & Musso called for a revolution to overthrow the Dutch colonial 

+  At a conference in Prambanan, Central Java, communist-controlled trades 
unions decided the revolution would start with a strike by railroad workers 
that would signal a general strike and then a revolution would start. This 
would lead to the PKI replacing the colonial government

+ The plan was for the revolution to begin in Padang, Sumatra, but a (dutch) 
government security clampdown at the beginning of 1926 that saw the end of the 
right to assembly and the arrests of PKI members forced the party to go deeper 
underground. Splits among PKI leaders as to the timing and course of the 
revolution resulted in poor planning. Tan Malaka, at the time Comintern's agent 
for Southeast Asia and Australia did not agree with the plot, partly because he 
believed the PKI had insufficient mass support. As a result of these divisions, 
in June 1926, the revolution was postponed.

+ However, there was a limited revolt in Batavia (as Jakarta was then known), 
which broke out on 12 November. Similar actions took place in Padang, Bantam 
and Surabaya. In Batavia, the revolt was crushed within a day or two, and after 
a few weeks it had been comprehensively defeated throughout the country.[9]

+ As a result of the failed revolution, 13,000 people were arrested, 4,500 
imprisoned, 1,308 interned, and 823 exiled to Digul, West New Guinea.[10] 
Several died while in captivity.

+ The party was outlawed by the Dutch East Indies government in 1927. The PKI 
went underground and Dutch, and later Japanese, surveillance ensured that it 
was never a disciplined or coherent organisation for the remainder of the 
pre-war period.

+ The PKI re-emerged on the political scene after the Japanese surrender in 
1945, and it actively took part in the struggle for independence from the 

+ Although PKI militias played an important role in fighting against Dutch, 
President Sukarno was concerned the growing influence of PKI would eventually 
threaten his position.

+ In February 1948 PKI and the Socialist Party (Partai Sosialis) formed a joint 
front, People's Democratic Front. The front did not last, but the Socialist 
Party later merged with PKI. By this time the Pesindo militias were under the 
control of PKI.

Awal peristiwa MADIUN: PKI "diserang" terlebih dahulu:

+ After signing the Renville Agreement in 1948, many of the Republican armed 
units returned from zones of conflict. This gave the Indonesian right-wing some 
confidence that they would be able to counter PKI militarily. Guerrilla units 
and militias under the influence of PKI were ordered to disband. In Madiun a 
group PKI militaries refused to go along with the disarmament were killed in 
September the same year.

 -- TNI dan milisi PKI pulang dari perang melawan Belanda yang berakhir dengan 
perjanjian renville.
 -- Karena adanya TNI, kelompok kanan jadi punya keyakinan dan memaksa milisi 
PKI, yang baru pulang dari perang melawan Belanda itu, bubar dan menanggalkan 
 -- Milisi PKI di Madiun yang tidak yakin atas kepatuhan Belanda dengan 
perjanjian renville MENOLAK melepas senjata, karena mereka tidak percaya pada 
 -- Akibatnya PKI diserang dan ribuan orang milisi PKI terbunuh.

+ This provided a pretext to clamp down on the PKI. It was claimed by army 
sources that PKI had announced the proclamation of the 'Soviet Republic of 
Indonesia' on September 18 with Musso as its president and Amir Sjarifuddin as 
its prime minister.

 -- Muncul ISU bahwa Musso mendirikan "Soviet Republic of Indonesia" (faktanya: 
"Soviet Republic of Indonesia" adalah konsep PKI PADA TAHUN 1924 => SEBELUM 
"INDONESIA" ADA, dan sebelum sumpah pemuda.)

- Pada saat yang sama PKI menghentikan kekerasan. TNI menekan PKI lagi.

+ At the same time PKI had denounced the uprising and appealed for calm. The 
uprising was suppressed by republican troops and PKI passed through yet another 
period of repression. On September 30 Madiun was taken over by republican 
troops of the Siliwangi division. Thousands of party cadres were killed and 36 
000 were imprisoned.

+ Ribuan anggota PKI terbunuh.

+ In the 1950s the PKI committed itself to a nationalist position under the 
leadership of Dipa Nusantara Aidit, supporting the anti-colonialist and 
anti-western policy of the Indonesian president Sukarno. Aidit and the section 
around him, including young leaders such as Sudisman, Lukman, Njoto and 
Sakirman, who took charge of the party in 1951.

+ Under Aidit PKI grew rapidly, from around 3-5 000 in 1950, to 165 000 members 
in 1954 to 1..5 million in 1959.[13]

+ In August 1951 PKI led series of militant strikes (PEMOGOKAN), which were 
followed by clamp-downs in Medan and Jakarta. The PKI leadership went 
underground for a brief period.
+ DN Aidit speaking at 1955 election meeting

+ Opposition to the continued Dutch control over Irian Jaya was an issue often 
raised by PKI during the 1950s.

+ In July 1957 there was a grenade attack on the PKI office in Jakarta.

+ In September the same year the Islamist Masyumi publicly demanded that PKI 
should be banned.

+ On December 3 trade unions, largely under control of PKI, started seizing 
control of Dutch-owned companies. These seizures paved the way for the 
nationalization of foreign-owned enterprises.. The struggles against foreign 
capitalists gave the PKI the opportunity to profile itself as a national party.

+ In February 1958 a coup attempt was made by pro-U.S. forces amongst the 
military and the political right-wing. The rebels, based in Sumatra and 
Sulawesi, proclaimed a Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia 
(Pemerintah Revolusioner Republik Indonesia) on February 15. This so-called 
Revolutionary Government immediately began arresting thousands of PKI members 
in the areas under their control. PKI supported the efforts by Sukarno to quell 
the rebellion, including introduction of martial law. The rebellion was 
eventually defeated.

+ In August 1959 there was an attempt on behalf of the military to prevent the 
holding of the PKI congress. However the congress was held as scheduled, and 
was addressed by Sukarno himself. In 1960 Sukarno launched the slogan Nasakom, 
an abbreviation of Nasionalisme (Nationalism), Agama (Religion), Komunisme 
(Communism). Thus the role of PKI as a junior partner in the Sukarno polity was 
institutionalized. The PKI welcomed the launching of the Nasakom concept, 
seeing it in terms of a multiclass united front.

+ Although PKI supported Sukarno, it did not lose its political autonomy. In 
March 1960 the PKI denounced the undemocratic handling of the budget by Sukarno.

+ On July 8 Harian Rakyat carried an article critical of the government. The 
PKI leadership was arrested by the army, but later released on orders of 

+ When idea of Malaysia was conceived, it was rejected by the PKI as well as 
the Communist Party of Malaya.

+ With growing popular support and a membership of about 3 million by 1965, the 
PKI was the strongest communist party outside the Soviet Union and China. The 
party had a firm base in various mass organizations, such as the All-Indonesian 
Central Labour Organisation (Sentral Organisasi Buruh Seluruh Indonesia), 
People's Youth (Pemuda Rakyat), Indonesian Women's Movement (Gerakan Wanita 
Indonesia), Peasants Front of Indonesia (Barisan Tani Indonesia), the League of 
People's Culture (Lembaga Kebudayaan Rakyat) and the Association of Scholars of 
Indonesia (Himpunan Sarjana Indonesia). Estimates claim that the total 
membership of the party and its frontal organizations might have at its peak 
organized a fifth of the Indonesian population.

+ In March 1962 PKI joined the government. PKI leaders Aidit and Njoto were 
named advisory ministers. In April PKI held its party congress. In 1963 the 
governments of Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines engaged in discussions on 
territorial disputes and the possibility of a Maphilindo Confederation, an idea 
launched by the Philippine president Macapagal. The PKI rejected the ideas of 
Maphilindo and Malaysian federation. PKI militants crossed over into Malaysia 
and engaged in combat against British and Australian forces there. Some groups 
reached Malaya, to join the struggle there. However, most of them were captured 
on arrival. Most of the PKI combat units were active in border regions of 

+ In January 1964 PKI started confiscating British properties owned by British 
companies in Indonesia.

+ In the mid 1960s the U.S. State Department estimated the party membership to 
be approximately 2 million (3.8% of the working age population of the 

        * Mortimer, Rex (1974). Indonesian Communism Under Sukarno: Ideology 
and Politics, 1959-1965 Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York ISBN 
        * Ricklefs, M.C. (1982) A History of Modern Indonesia", MacMillan. ISBN 
        * Sinaga, Edward Djanner (1960) Communism and the Communist Party in 
IndonesiaMA Thesis, George Washington University School of Government

From: Taufik Hidayat <ddinas...@yahoo.es>
To: Forum-Pembaca-Kompas@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 0:23:21
Subject: Re: [Forum-Pembaca-KOMPAS] Re: Buat Kicky..Gus Dur  
PahlawanNasional,Suharto Penjahat Nasional!

Kalau mau fair dalam menilai, baiknya anda sekalian bertanya: kenapa kok nasib 
para simpatisan PKI bisa sedemikian menyedihkan?

- Apakah TNI AD dibawah komando HMS memang kejam?
- Apakah para pemimpin agama sedemikian tak berperikemanusiaan?
- Dan apakah hal itu terjadi karena selama ini simpatisan PKI begitu meresahkan 
bangsa Indonesia yg non PKI.

Alamarhum ayah saya pernah cerita; beliau mantan Anshor waktu itu, pembantaian 
thd para simpatisan/ aktifis PKI tsb adalah bentuk pembalasan atas semua ulah 
yg dibuat oleh para aktifis PKI, mereka meneror para agamawan, memusuhi para 
tuan tanah dan mengancam akan membagi-bagi tanah mereka bila PKI menang dalam 
revolusi. Bahkan disejumlah tempat sudah banyak korban kekejaman PKI, di daerah 
Magetan, misalnya, banyak keluarga kyai yg jadi korban pembantaian PKI.

Masih menurut cerita almarhum ayah saya; pernah aktifis PKI memasuki suro 
(masjid kecil) dgn tanpa sopan santun, menginjak-injak la qur'an dan lalu 
membantai sang guru ngaji.

Sementara di sekolah-sekolah, para guru mencoba meng-atheiskan para murid dgn 
cara yg vulgar dan rendah, misalnya; sanga murid disuruh berdoa, doanya 'aneh", 
semisal "Ya alloh beri aku permen", sambil berdoa para murid disuruh mengangkat 
tangan sbg isyarat 'meminta' dan disuruh menutup mata mereka.

Kemudian si guru bertanya: coba buka mata kalian? adakah permen di tangan 
kalian? tidak ada bukan? sekarang coba pejamkan mata lagi dan minta sama bu 
guru permen;

Dgn polosnya sang bocah2 ingusan melakukan perintah gurunya;

kemudian: kalau kalian minta pada Tuhan, kalian nggak diberi permen, artinya 
tuhan memang tidak pernah ada, sedangkan kalau minta sama bu guru, kalian 
mendapatkannya, artinya bu guru memang benar2 ada.

dan masih banyak lagi ulah mereka yg meresahkan.

memang, para pentolan PKI macam DN Aidid belum tentu jahat, namun para 
simpatisan di bawah yg pengetahuan mereka sangat minim soal komunisme-sosialism 
e, mereka rentan dgn salah tafsir arti komunis, makanya begitu mereka merasa 
kuat, mereka sangat anti sama orang/ partai agama.

kata ayah saya, sering simpatisan PKI mengobrak kegiatan peribadatan karena 
beragama menurut mereka sangat bodoh dan beracun, they want to be free.

Jadi, sebelum memebrikan justifikasi, ada baiknya anda melihat sebab-akibat, 
juga asal mula KENAPA pembantaian itu sampai terjadi.

jelas, membantai sekian banyak manusia terkesan sadis dan biadab, namun anda 
juga musti menimbang; siapa yg mereka bantai dan siapa yg membantai mereka.

Lalu tanya lagi; buat apa dan kenapa pembantaian itu MUSTI ada?

sometime we have no other choice, I kill you or I have to let you to kill me.

bukankah kita makhluk yg rasional?

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