
On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 5:48 PM, Jim Hall <jh...@freedos.org> wrote:
> [...]
>>> Not useless, really. For example, MS-DOS 5 introduced their DOS Shell that
>>> supported task switching, a rudimentary form of multitasking.
>> You could also (allegedly) just change your Win3x or Win9x "shell="
>> line (system.ini ??) to command.com and use BootGUI=0 (or whatever).
>> Or such.   ;-)
> But that would require using Windows. I try not to use proprietary
> systems where possible.

Right, but since 99% of the world uses Windows (you know what I mean
...), obviously it's not a huge problem to most people (myself
included, though I'm clearly on your side, heh). I was just mentioning
it for completeness.

>>> I'd love to see this as a feature added to FreeDOS one day.
>> Of course! I mean, there are advantages to not multitasking (believe
>> it or not) *sometimes*, but most people, myself included, would enjoy
>> being able to compile in the background (or download a file, etc).
> In DOS, it would be awesome to have true multitasking, where you can
> let a process run in the background (like a compile) while you do
> something else (browser?) But to be honest, all I really want/need is
> some sort of extension or "shell" that provides task-switching, rather
> than true multitasking.

I agree, but it's hard to do, esp. with so much compatibility to
support. I don't see any advantage in breaking the entire API (not
that you do, of course), but perhaps minimal incompatibilities could
be tolerated (e.g. we lived with half-broken NTVDM without any huge
huge complaints).

If anybody who is super bored or a whiz in x86 asm and OS development
has time, they could check out TriDOS and try to "fix" it to work
(correctly, heh). I would, but I'm fairly certain that I'm too dumb!


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