Very sly you are Steve Smith,

The topic with no Name has been an ever present part of the group
discussions. It drifts because we have never nailed it to the wall. There is
a propensity to organize and control discussions. The nameless issues are
like flies in our face.
We try so hard to shoo them away but they leave us all a little silly
looking . The fly keeps showing up right in the middle of our brows.

The nameless issue seems to be Human Nature and it is uncomfortably not what
we generally assumed from idealistic perspectives. Often we drift directly
into this area as a result of some calamitous world wide affair.
All of us are showing surprise at the unpredictable recklessness of our
global society.  Perhaps clutching to the grail of Complexity is a feeble
notion. I admit I am awestruck with the bizarre events of recent months,
seemingly errant events recurring in greater and greater frequency. These
events seem every few days to imply we really have very little understanding
of what is going on around us. In retrospect each event was predictable yet
we are clearly unable to see the real world beyond the reflection of our own
internal fictions.   

Our brains like most people are handicapped in some way by short cuts in
design. We know there is a world or reality beyond ours but rarely take it
into consideration. WE get trapped into deviously designed narratives and
have to wait for the penultimate chapter to find the hidden passage way
behind the fireplace. The last chapter simply reconstructs all the missing
bits which we never noticed. We all end up happier with a clean story line
that appears self consistent. Unfortunately the desire for a clean story
line is the problem with us. Every story demands one topic, one problem, one
hero, one villain. The real world is obviously not structured around our
prejudices yet we persist in making it so. ( I read Herodotus and laugh at
his explanations of the world. He was a charmer I love his style. No one
would dare today write ceaselessly with no plot. But maybe that is what is
what I relish. He did not really care himself for the nonsense explanations
and showed his dismissal ) Perhaps the writer is our God and he will show us
the Truth if we listen closely. The Logos, the Word the hand of God may be
nothing more than explanations externalized for  intrinsic defects in human
brains. The Dogma professed to allay our questions and let us live in peace
but it never worked as well as hoped. Reality kept showing up as a nameless
annoying fly. 

We always assume there must be a category and that there must be a plot and
some obvious truth. Well maybe that is just our addiction to narrative

Complexity is part of the future , but by itself at best it can display some
shadows of reality. Most of our difficulties seem to me to be the
peculiarities of human intelligence. I personally do not actually have any
more faith in it now than God, the Soul, Good or Evil or economic reform. I
believe that we are so facile creating illusions we can no longer
distinguish truth from fiction.  I have a bone to pick with the equivalence
of narratives. It plays well with people who have nothing of substance to
offer but more fears and economic opportunities. Besides I am not the only
one to notice each new revolution seems to be a conflict of fictions, or
whether or not the young people are willing to endure the tyranny of an
older narrative. Perhaps the people have a shelf life for narratives, it
used to keep writers busy and paid.
Did the digital era start to disturb the functioning of traditional Human
delusions? Why is every new TV show a remake or mix up of older stories in
new fashions?

Steve there is no need to beat your chest in aguish that you feel you
violated some form of ethical guide line.

 When I used to go fishing I have often had to step  over a few old fence
lines. Being stuck on one side of the fence can be frustrating fishing or
with research. 

The fish seems to be Human Intelligence or the lack of it. The reason for
the lack seems awkward because most of us are a little embarrassed to admit
we ever were so easily duped. Now why is it that old men look backward and
start to feel ashamed at what they once loved so stridently. 

The truth upon reflection was always obvious so why did we choose to ignore
it. The Complexity Theory revelations or truths will also be easily ignored
until a catastrophe strikes. Then we go about the business of burying
bodies at sea for various reasons. Why is the truth so difficult to face.? I
suspect that once our brains are commited to a narrative we do not find it
easy to alter it substantially. Like a filing system we make small
alterations but big changes need a house fire or a computer melt down before
they are implemented.  More than filling in gaps we also seem to wilfully
ignore certain information to preserve the established narrative. This is
difficult to spot. Our brains seem to be wired for short cuts but they can
on occasion be overridden and save ourselves from foolish disaster. Why do
we immerse ourselves in other peoples narratives and take such pleasure ?

Our elusive topic with No Name may be different for many of us. However it
appears we all react in some way and then "Move On " to more controlled
disciplined areas. Why is "Moving On "such a current mantra? Where do we
hope to go by abandoning a topic? What are we avoiding? Why do we every few
weeks resurrect this Golem ?

Considering the close association with science and arts why so little faith
in rambling over the heather?  What have we got to lose? 
Let us start by trying to discover what the participants feel is the hidden
topic, call it the search for the Nameless.

Personally I am currently struggling with a 3D animation of mathematical
functions. The pieces are all basically assembled but for some reason I
struggle with the "Narrative"; it is basically text free. A new deviation
for me. The images must be sequenced correctly to transfer the desired
intent, but my intent seems elusive as I look in detail.  A multi body
system is a challenge for me. I have learned that it requires better
understanding of my own thinking and visualization and that has become my
issue with myself. I find that   I am rarely sure of whether this is ever
exactly as I envisioned or is it what I have decided is expedient. The
struggle is with the way the brain appears to require guidance or it
erroneously or randomly fills in gaps in seamless manner where there was
insufficient data.  It has become apparent that what I seek to do requires
some insight as to how my brain and that of the audience deceives itself it
to believing what is not actually present. Perhaps as with the written
native there  is a way to constrain the recipients brain from inventing
monstrous explanations. I also wonder if there is any mechanism for
distinguishing the fabricated understanding from the actual perceived facts.
But this does appear much like the problem with optical illusions. We can
never quite convince ourselves to disregard our own delusions. The search
for the clues by which a brain stiches perceptions together into a narrative
is entirely new to me. And all I was trying to do was design some new

I am staggered by the Off Topic area, fortunately it was a wondrous fishing
trip. I have discovered much That I had no idea existed. There is something
about this journey that leads me to study philosophy and psychology which
never interested me previously. Keep some of the fences in place if they
serve a function but clearly something is lurking in many minds and I just
sincerely hope it is not some new mystical foolishness.

Each of us has been confined to some region of human specialization and like
chickens released from our pens , by a wind storm we are now  discovering a
new world beyond the knocked down fences.

Vladimyr Ivan Burachynsky PhD

120-1053 Beaverhill Blvd.
Winnipeg,Manitoba, R2J3R2
 (204) 2548321 Land
(204) 8016064  Cell

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Steve Smith
Sent: May-04-11 2:01 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: [FRIAM] Memetic Drift in Threads, was: off topic....., but still

On reflection of Owen's thread hygiene around hijacking, etc., I have to 
wonder about the implications of  what I want to call "memetic drift".   
We start with a topic, and at some point it has wandered enough to qualify
for a new subject... but it is not always obvious when it deserved a new
Subject: line.

I believe I am as guilty as most for this form of slow hijacking... the
vehicle (thread) is not abruptly taken by force and driven off in some
totally different direction than it's original route plan suggested, instead
it is seduced iteratively into taking us to Havana.

To stretch the metaphor from hijacking to kidnapping, are we all the Patty
Hearsts of our own discussions?

- Steve

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