I have a question I would like to pose to the group in that regard:

Can we model/simulate how in a democracy that is inherently open (as
stated in the constitution: for the people, by the people etc..) there
emerges "decision masking  structures" emerge that actively obfuscate
the participatory nature of the democratic decision making for their

On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 3:50 AM, Steve Smith <sasm...@swcp.com> wrote:
> I knew we could depend on you Doug!
> My own twisted optimism is nicely complemented by your, what do you call it,
> pragmatism?
> Sadly, to first order, I think your description of us as a "planet of
> idiots" comes way too close... my only bicker with it is perhaps whether
> there is something to be done about it?
> And for the sake of the list's identity, is there a role for Complexity
> Science in arriving at that answer or it's implementation.
> - Steve
> Salaam Mohammed,
> Speaking as an American, I'm afraid that I can assert with a fair degree of
> accuracy that percentage-wise, very few Americans are aware of the
> historical/current events vis-a-vis US interactions with
> mid-eastern political entities that you so accurately denote below.  For
> reasons that I fail to comprehend, we have truly become a nation of idiots.
>  Nearly as discouraging, if I may suggest, is the clear emergence of
> multiple nations of Islamic idiots which seem to comprise the majority of
> mid eastern countries these days. Perhaps the real issue here is that we are
> a planet of idiots.
> Several evolutions later the answer to all of this become apparent, I'm
> sure, if biological life is still possible on this planet then.
> Best,
> --Doug
> ============================================================
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> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
> lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org


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