In Iceland woman make more than men (working part-time);  the gap is only
2.5% in Slovenia.  Women are not equally represented in some of the highest
paying professions, which accounts for much of the difference

Women lost their equal work status 10,000 years ago when the plow was
invented.  This is a complicated issue.  It will take time.

I'm sure you guys can figure it out.

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 5:09 PM, Gary Schiltz <>wrote:

> On Apr 10, 2014, at 5:51 PM, Marcus G. Daniels <>
> wrote:
> > On Thu, 2014-04-10 at 16:22 -0600, Nick Thompson wrote:
> >
> > IMO, lurking in their minds is:  What is this employee's absolute
> > priority?   Is it the bottom line of the company or is it taking their
> > kids to school and helping with their homework and building treehouses?
> > What will be the employee's top priority on a day to day basis?   If I
> > am cost constrained, who should I choose?  Who is loyal to me?  Who is
> > predictable and reliable?
> A very North American (and simply human, I suspect) perspective. I don’t
> have personal experience, but I believe the more “advanced” democracies of
> the world have recognized this tendency and legislated to regulate it. I do
> remember on one job where we worked in conjunction with folks in Germany,
> and I learned that employers were much more constrained in how many hours
> they were allowed to require. I’m uncertain as to what is the “best”
> balance between employers’  and workers’ rights.
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Merle Lefkoff, Ph.D.
President, Center for Emergent Diplomacy
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
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