Until fairly recently I didn't realize that "Populism" carried a negative connotation. I had always heard it as a positive thing...

The tie between populism and the rise of fascism changed that for me. I suppose *pure* populism is in fact fine, the awareness that the general population, the overwhelming majority of the citizenry, when pushed, can stand up to the elite (economic or political or both) who tend to find ways to run things for their own purposes without regard to the interests of the masses.

It seems that the current use of the term "populism" implies that the extant elite de-facto rulers can have THEIR lunch handed to them by another elite set of wanna-bes through the duping of the populace. Hitler's rise to power was apparently on the rising tide of a disaffected populace through the use of "demagoguery, scapegoating, and conspiracism" according to Fritzsche. This sounds just a bit (lot) too much like the working style of Herr Donald Drumpf this round.

I don't like being manipulated by "the powers that be", but it isn't a bit more fun to have "the powers that wanna be" manipulate me into helping them have their wishes. I *hope* some of Trumps Trumpeteers come to recognize how they were duped in what to me seems like a fairly obvious manner.

And meanwhile I hope that the rest of the world can learn something of this movement from us (and the Brexiteers before us).


On 11/10/16 7:40 PM, Sarbajit Roy wrote:

It seems that depressed economies imply we are going to have a rash of fascism everywhere. Here's to World War III. Cheers.

On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 3:55 PM, Gary Schiltz <g...@naturesvisualarts.com <mailto:g...@naturesvisualarts.com>> wrote:

    Well put. This is not a game.

    On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, Marcus Daniels <mar...@snoutfarm.com
    <mailto:mar...@snoutfarm.com>> wrote:

        "The fact that world H and world D are such closely adjacent
        possibles is what I am savoring (in the sense of morbid
        fascination) for roughly the next 24-36 hours. "

        To first order, this isn't about the ideological aspirations
        of one candidate vs. the other (or the completely irrelevant
        others).  It's about choosing between a person who can and has
        managed in relevant circumstances, and a man-child that
        obviously needs to be managed and who obviously draws-from and
        amplifies the worst in people, has many indicators of an
        authoritarian personality, and is a likely target for
        blackmail and manipulation by foreign powers.   The potential
        upside of this non-contest is that a thinker and policy wonk
        may sneak through as the winner by default.  Even stranger is
        that it would be historic -- and somehow that is almost a
        footnote.    The whole thing is surreal and even scarier than


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