It seems that depressed economies imply we are going to have a rash of
fascism everywhere. Here's to World War III. Cheers.

On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 3:55 PM, Gary Schiltz <>

> Well put. This is not a game.
> On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, Marcus Daniels <> wrote:
>> "The fact that world H and world D are such closely adjacent possibles is
>> what I am savoring (in the sense of morbid fascination) for roughly the
>> next 24-36 hours. "
>> To first order, this isn't about the ideological aspirations of one
>> candidate vs. the other (or the completely irrelevant others).  It's about
>> choosing between a person who can and has managed in relevant
>> circumstances, and a man-child that obviously needs to be managed and who
>> obviously draws-from and amplifies the worst in people, has many indicators
>> of an authoritarian personality, and is a likely target for blackmail and
>> manipulation by foreign powers.   The potential upside of this non-contest
>> is that a thinker and policy wonk may sneak through as the winner by
>> default.  Even stranger is that it would be historic -- and somehow that is
>> almost a footnote.    The whole thing is surreal and even scarier than
>> Brexit.
>> Marcus
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