Steve writes:

"Gary and Jill (and the others) may be irrelevant in the sense that neither has 
a chance of "winning the contest", but I would claim that yet another presumed 
irrelevant (Bernie Sanders) HAS significantly shaped the discussion and 
possibly the shape of Hillary's platform and possibly even policy once in 
office.  I also believe that they are reshaping the field itself.   Jill has 
been promoting ranked choice voting for months now... THAT is a significant 
change to the playing field and one that I claim will help our elections more 
accurately reflect "the will of the people" rather than distort and manipulate 
Bernie's campaign was exciting and it seems Hillary did benefit from his 
constituents tactics and enthusiasm.  (We'll see tonight how some undecided 
voters split in battleground states.)  In the end, the average donation to 
Hillary's campaign was $43 (over more than 3 million people).  Seems to me it 
could scale to billion dollar campaign costs if everyone was engaged.  And the 
`market' could be much more interesting with ranked choice voting (and a richer 
ecology of fundraising).   I think there is an aspect of governing that is 
about maturity, patience, long term relationships, and knowing how to work the 
system, and that is an area I believe the less experienced participants like 
Jill Stein will have no chance for some time.   Bernie was a plausible 
candidate because he knew his way around Washington.

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