I guess I already feel I have to "code switch" all the time already... I have to speak a pidgin of Left/Right/Green/Libertarian/Anarchist just to communicate with my friends and colleagues on these matters. I understand and agree that in world D, the emergent patois will be much less familiar/comfortable than the one I have now and that in world H, it will be much more familiar, less abrupt of a change. I guess I assumed that Agent G and agent M were more like me in this regard than maybe they are.

I fully expect to wake up Wednesday morning in world H but with a wicked world D hangover. The Right were vicious with their Sore/Loserman rhetoric in 2001, Trump is going to take sore loser to a whole new level!

The fact that world H and world D are such closely adjacent possibles is what I am savoring (in the sense of morbid fascination) for roughly the next 24-36 hours. I personally would MUCH prefer a world B or world JS but neither of these are any longer (or ever were) very adjacent.

Carry on!
 - Agent S

On 11/7/16 8:26 PM, glen ep ropella wrote:
That's it in the abstract. But to be more concrete, if Trump wins, I'll have to 
talk with various people about specific consequences of whatever his 
administration does. Eg since Renee's a nurse and I have cancer, I have to 
discuss healthcare and insurance and unions in specific. With Obama and 
Clinton, I have little trouble engaging seriously. With Trump, I'll have to 
pretend to treat it seriously and discuss without calling him an idiot. I'm 
used to this type of code switch when I go home and talk to the right wingers 
in my family. But if Trump wins I expect I'll have to do it up here too.

I _could_ just be a jerk for the next 4-8 years and refuse to try. But that 
causes me more stress than simply switching and engage.

On November 7, 2016 5:55:54 PM PST, Marcus Daniels <mar...@snoutfarm.com> wrote:
Steve writes:

"I'm not sure I understand why

either of you (Marcus or Glen) expect to need to do significantly more
"code switching" than you probably already do to bridge different
communities or aspect of your life?"

Imagine an agent-based model where there are two worlds,  D and H, each
with their unique constraints.  Then there are tactics that agents G or
M can execute.   These tactics are a little different for G and M's
unique capabilities,  as they are for hundreds of millions of other
agents.  The G and M agents will load up different tactic decks that
will optimize for hazards in worlds D and H in different ways.  I can't
speak for the G agent, but the M agent finds the tactics he can load to
function in the H world more interesting than the ones in the D world.
But M will go ahead and load and elaborate the D tactics if push comes
to shove.   M would rather not waste cycles and memory on the D deck.

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