(texto ao final)

Miguel Branco escribiu:
> ummm... os do KDE non usamos o Qt-linguist, :) Eu useino moi brevemente))
> En serio, no manual di:
> .......................................................................
> lupdate
> Usage: lupdate myproject.pro
> lupdate is a command line tool that finds the translatable strings in the
> specified source, header and Qt Designer interface files, and produces or
> updates .ts translation files. The files to process and the files to update 
> can
> be set at the command line, or provided in a .pro file specified as an command
> line argument. The produced translation files are given to the translator who
> uses Qt Linguist to read the files and insert the translations.
> Companies that have their own translators in-house may find it useful to run
> lupdate regularly, perhaps monthly, as the application develops. This will
> lead to a fairly low volume of translation work spread evenly over the life of
> the project and will allow the translators to support a number of projects
> simultaneously.
> Companies that hire in translators as required may prefer to run lupdate only
> a few times in the application's life cycle, the first time might be just
> before the first test phase. This will provide the translator with a
> substantial single block of work and any bugs that the translator detects may
> easily be included with those found during the initial test phase. The second
> and any subsequent lupdate runs would probably take place during the final 
> beta
> phase.
> The .ts file format is a simple human-readable XML format that can be used 
> with
> version control systems if required. lupdate can also process Localization
> Interchange File Format (XLIFF) format files; file in this format
> typically have
> file names that end with the .xlf suffix.
> Pass the -help option to lupdate to obtain the list of supported options:
>          Usage:
>              lupdate [options] [project-file]
>              lupdate [options] [source-file|path]... -ts ts-files
>          Options:
>              -help  Display this information and exit.
>              -noobsolete
>                     Drop all obsolete strings.
>              -extensions <ext>[,<ext>]...
>                     Process files with the given extensions only.
>                     The extension list must be separated with commas, not with
> whitespace.
>                     Default: 'ui,c,c++,cc,cpp,cxx,ch,h,h++,hh,hpp,hxx'.
>              -pluralonly
>                     Only include plural form messages.
>              -silent
>                     Don't explain what is being done.
>              -version
>                     Display the version of lupdate and exit.

Sabes dun exemplo? eu o que teño é o novo .ts e o da tradución anterior 
(feita) e o lupdate parece que quere o ficheiro da aplicación para facer 
o .ts


Vexo aquí algo parecido ao funcionamento do gettext que procura pola 
aplicación adiante as cadeas a traducir.

Outra opción é pasar os ts a po, facer o anovado e pasar de novo o po a 
ts. disto xa haberá que controle non?

Para isto parece o que o translation toolkit pode axudar.

ts2po -P psi.ts psi.pot
po2ts af.po psi_af.ts

isto está en http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/toolkit/ts2po

Unha cousa, alguén ten instalado o translation toolkit en ubuntu?
alguén sabe así de memoria ou ten algún exemplo de, partindo de dous 
ficheiros .po aproveitar as traducións dun para o segundo.


> Qt Linguist is also able to import and export XLIFF files. See the Translators
> section for more information.
> ...............................................................
> Isto é da versión, 4.4.0 ((que é a que teño instalada na miña flamante nova
> novisima susa 11.0  con KDE 4.04., lol). Mira se pode variar nalgo, pero  creo
> que debería ser esencialmente o mesmo. Non?
> PD: a xeito anecdótico, no manual do Qt-linguistic aparece por tódolos lados
> 'Qt Linguist 4.3 is Certified for Windows Vista' hahahaha!; tan parvos son os
> desenvolvedores en Win?.

si xa me fixei
> 2008/6/25, Leandro Regueiro <leandro.regueiro en gmail.com>:
>> 2008/6/25 damufo <damufo en gmail.com>:
>>> Ola
>>> A ver se alguén pode axudarme, pois o de non poder re-aproveitar o
>>> traballo
>>> é algo que levo bastante mal.
>>> Teño feita a tradución do keepassx (versión gnu/linux do keepass) ao
>>> galego
>>> na versión 0.2, de feito está na forxa. a cuestión é que quería anovar a
>>> tradución coa versión 0.3. Resulta que no seu día envieille a tradución ao
>>> desenvolvedor quen non fixo nada. Tomei o novo ficheiro, a traducir con 0%
>>> traducido, o caso é que teño instalado o qt linguist e non sei como
>>> aproveitar a tradución previa.
>>> Paréceme básico o de: parto dunha tradución en branco, aproveito unha
>>> feita,
>>> completo e reviso a nova tradución. Pareceme raro que isto non se poida
>>> facer.
>>> Saúdos
>> A ver os entendidos de kde.
>> Ata logo,
>>                      Leandro Regueiro
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