Hi Tom, ah, that makes sense, sorry for my mistake.

Super castlevania I remember, even though it was basically a complete each level type of game stil had some interesting terrain even in the early outdoor levels, which is why I'd want to see such things in a similar audio game.

That being said, 3D could be awsome, particularly in the matter of weapons.

Castlevania was pretty tied to the whip as main weapon (don't know where wips come into the vampire thing, but there you go), but if you were making your own 3D game a lot of weapon possibilities come up, eg, weapons like a spear that just hit streight ahead of you but have a long reach, a sword that is shorter range but can hit things a litle left or right of center, or an axe that is short reach but can hit things quite far round you as you swing it, and that's before even thinking about missile weapons.

I'd certainly not be disappointed with a 3D horror game, provided that the nav features were up to the task.

In the first person games we've had thus far, while the gma engine and terraformers do a great job, some others have been less successful, for instance technoshock where lack of audio navaides was considdered part of the difficulty, but for me just made the game frustrating, and Monkey business where the audio navigation is frankly a nightmare, thanks to the undistinguished walls and not specific sonar (I've had something in the center of the sterrio field, walked towards it and gone past!), actually mb is one of the few games I actually regret buying, sinse the game is so confusing I can't even get passed the jungle!

And all that is largely before you add another demention on top! ;D.

Beware the grue!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Ward" <thomasward1...@gmail.com>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] USA Games Halloween Project

Hi Dark,

Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. If I were going to do a 2d
side-scroller obviously I would include full 2d elements like climbing
up and down staircases, jumping low walls, jumping onto ledges
above/below you, etc. All of that is pretty par for the course.

What I meant to say is that I could use a more traditional 2d layout
where the level is a long rectangle rather than a square is in the
case of MOTA. The levels could start out simple and get more complex
depending on where you are. For instance, the first couple of levels
might be out in the courtyard jumping low walls, fighting off
skeletons, zombies, and werewolves, etc. Then, you get into the castle
proper. Here you would have wooden staircases, hidden spike traps, and
other traditional Castlevania elements. The basic point I was making
is that creating a 2d level is a lot less complex than a 3d one. That
is especially true for something like Q9 or Super Liam where there is
no full 2d movement involved. However, it sounds like the majority of
gamers so far want 3d so I'm now leaning that way.


On 9/28/11, dark <d...@xgam.org> wrote:
Hi Tom.

Well as I said a side scroller would sute me just as much as something fully
3D, however if the game is to be a side scroller, I'd prefer it to be a
true! 2D side scroller like the original game, with your character climbing up and down stairs, maybe even taking on flying enemies or jumping betwene

As we've discussed on list before, Q9 and Superliam, while both fun, don't
really qualify as 2D sinse they make litle to no use of an actual second

For a castlevania game, some or all of which would be set in a castle, going
up stairs, climbing around and finding items (with of course the big boss
fight on the highest tower), would be a crytical part of gameplay, indeed
the stairs made a huge difference to Super castlevania, changing where you
fought enemies, which route was easier and where items were, indeed some
levels just involved very long assents or descents going up or down stairs.

I personally would feel quite disappointed if a castlevania game just
involved walking along hitting things as fast as possible jumping the
occasional pit like Q9.

Beware the Grue!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Ward" <thomasward1...@gmail.com>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] USA Games Halloween Project

Hi Dark,

Yes, I've thought about that problem. The 3d navigation isn't bad, but
could use improvements etc. Plus it takes a bit more time to do a full
3d level as there is a lot more to code. With a 2d side-scroller it
doesn't really take much to code at all. Especially, if we are talking
simple levels like Q9 or Super Liam for an initial release.

I think, and this is just my thoughts currently, doing the initial
release as a side-scroller is probably the right thing to do. For one,
it is much simpler to code than a full 3d game. Two, it can be made
into a classic arcade game like the original Castlevania which  for
some people would be something of a retro remake. Finally, we know the
ability to create side-scrollers is extremely stable, is working well,
and I can borrow lots of code from MOTA to get a basic game up and
running in a fairly short amount of time. So it would be the logical
choice here.

However, before I make it final I would like to get people's input on
it. After all, there are plenty of advantages in a FPS game too. It
just might take a little longer to create. Yet it would be more
rewarding, I think, if it was in full 3d.


On 9/28/11, dark <d...@xgam.org> wrote:
Hi Tom.

Myself, I can't actually decide.

As you know, i'm certainly a fan of the Castlevania games (or at least
I've been able to play like super castlevania), so on the one hand having
something like that in audio would be awsome.

then again, I'm deffinately looking forward to seeing what the Genesis
engine can do in 3D sinse other than some promos we've not had chance to
that yet, and spelunking around a vampire's castle in ful 3D certainly
sounds fun.

the only observation I will make, is that sinse this would be the first
the public get to see the 3D engine, ---- and arguably the first ever 3D
audio game, odds are things might need tinkering with, ---- eg,
sounds, sonar, area views etc.

if your prepared to do that at this stage, ---- fair enough, however I
wouldn't want to see a situation where around December people were
you to get Mota out of the door while you were stil monkeying with 3D in
order to get your castlevania game working properly, that could be

of course you are the only one who knows how well the 3D navigation is
working at the moment and how much trouble making the game and possibly
modifying it would be, so your really the best person to decide this,
as I said, I personally win either way ;D.

All the best,


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