I think another real aspect of this is the lack of technology and goes back to the legacy thing above.
We don't or well didn't have the tools back then.
as a result we have to deal with a legacy autoit, vb6 and other inferior languages as the basis for our games.
including directx8.
We don't have that many games that support the dx9 and up or dotnet standards.
If we do its mostly 1.1, 1.0, or 2.0.
I think we may have one or 2 games running 3.5 and maybe 4.0, and xna, but really thats our limit. Python has some traction but I doubt we will ever get up there, at least not till we ditch all the old languages. And since about 90% of all games are in those outdated crappy and has been languages I can't see the backlog will ever clear itself, at least not right away. And ofcause the blind start simple and unless you have been exposed to the otherside or wanted to try and not stayed in your assigned boxes where you are put then you never know and therefore you never do. Also the bg community is only in its first generation cycle its still vary young.
So give it another 100-500 years and maybe it will work or it will die.
Even when biggish games come, since its only 1 real person its so fragile that anything from the biggest disaster to the smallest illness can derail everything. The industry is like a mudflat, unstable at best at worse it could collapse at any time. There are probably only a few devs that actually have the ideas of how the other side the rest of us are just along for the ride. and though we may have a chance with the engines comming out, we are not yet going to go foreward at least not that much for now.

At 01:59 a.m. 30/09/2011, you wrote:
Hi Thomas,
this is my own opinion and my own experience here.
I was born blind.
And it is true that I never played mainstream console games.
However I know the basics of games like Tomb Raider or Doom or Quake.
Even if vi developers might not have the money for expensive sounds or music and maybe less experience than longtime mainstream developers, this seems not enough to explain why some games are way behind their mainstream versions. Even if we might have some "unexperienced" developers in comparison to mainstream developers, this doesn't explain, why Sound RTS is the only full real time strathegy game, when such things are much older than our products. There we had and might still have the Age of Empires game series, of which many sighted people know even if they haven't played them yet.
Or we have the total lack of really big RPGs.
I mean, everyone probably knows Final Fantasy by name and theese were originally created before Windows.
Or the Elder Scrolls series.
OK, maybe we couldn't do a clone due to license issues, but that's not keeping us from inventing something new. While games like Shades of Doom and some other titles are not bad products, no one seemed to want to create another of them with a new story. You said that the problem might be lack of mainstream knowledge, but that doesn't explain away the fact of less creativity.
We have interactive fiction titles and free gamebooks.
But why not create an audio version of something like out of the game books (provided it would be allowed)? Or we had the talk about RPGs. Why don't we have games like Alter Aeon or Sryth made into a something for offline play and with audio? Creativity is apparently there. And if our developers might have not enough knowledge or experience to atempt something like it, why not do it with a team instead of doing it alone? I would not say I do know all about games or game styles, but I have experimented on my own with and without sighted assistance. I know several blind PC users in Germany who are glad if JAWS or whatever they use can read a program and its controls. But they are not the ones who use the advanced tools (e.G. various JAWS tools) to help make unknown objects accessible. I at least have tried and in some cases it was enough to use some things like labeling graphics or such "simple" things to improove my access to a given program. I also think that not enough training in using such things as screen readers is given to thoose who would need it, especially if it is their first contact with such technology, especially, if we are dealing with people who became blind or visually impaired after their birth...
But that's far enough in that direction .
But the Things I know are enough to know that I'd like to have more RPGs for example.
And finally I am interested in the upcoming game.

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