Hi Ryan,

Yeah, I know. I was taught to format my source code along with my
fellow programming students back in my college days, but the point of
all that formatting is so someone sighted can read it. Which is why I
said it was unfortunate. It comes down to an issue of intent and who
the code is written for in the first place.

Yes, were I writing something professional for a business, company, or
a group of sighted programmers like myself I would certainly format
everything so people can read it. However, if I'm punching out a quick
and dirty script for myself, something I never intend to redistribute,
then what's the sense in formatting it when I can not see it?

Either way it doesn't really bother me much. I've been formatting code
in various languages for a long time so the fact I have to properly
format my code in Python isn't a big deal.I certainly don't have a
problem doing it. Its just the issue it is not optional in Python
where other languages aren't this anal about formatting. So let's not
make a big deal out of an offhand comment.


On 2/14/12, Ryan Strunk <ryan.str...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There is nothing unfortunate whatsoever about requiring indentation. If you
> ever want to write code that sighted people can read and interpret, it's
> going to make a heck of a lot more sense to them if they can actually read
> the stuff.

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