On Oct 23, 2007, at 6:43 AM, Davanum Srinivas wrote:


I was there when it happened. It was actually the other way
around..Short story, the "independents" had trouble letting anyone
else work or suggest ideas which went against their own mental model
of how things should be. When i argued for a middle path vociferously,
they left.

-- dims


I was simply trying to clear up a point of ambiguity with respect to my (and by extension my employer's) involvement in Tuscany. I was hoping to avoid digging up the past, which doesn't serve good purposes.

Were the independents completely intransigent or were the others inflexible? Sometimes people just have different goals and reconciliation doesn't work because things are too far apart. I and the others working on the SCA Java implementation left the project because there was constant friction and differences of opinion, and we felt it best for the two camps to go their separate ways. I previously explained my motivations here:

http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/ws-tuscany-dev/200703.mbox/% [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unfortunately, I don't have much time to follow Tuscany closely although I do check the lists occasionally. It does seem both it and our community (Fabric3) have a lot less friction and are growing nicely. Sometimes communities just diverge based on differences of opinion, technical or otherwise, and trying to villainize one group is the wrong approach since it is not constructive.

I wish Tuscany luck as I work closely with some of those involved in the project on the SCA specifications and have a lot of technical and personal respect for them.


On 10/23/07, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Matthieu Riou wrote:

they did welcome enough independent committers while being in the

Attracting a large quantity of independent developers while being
in the incubator is pretty hard

Yes, but it seems to be emerging that there *were* more independents, and they have left to work actively elsewhere (as indicated by Jim Marino for BEA). Is this an indicator that the community wasn't able to embrace the interests of more than one vendor? Since SCA is a standard, why was there a
need to fork the implementation?

        --- Noel

P.S. I've removed [VOTE], since Ant indicates that the vote is being tabled
for now.

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