On Nov 10, 2009, at 10:44 AM, Greg Stein wrote:

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 03:48, William A. Rowe, Jr. <wr...@rowe-clan.net > wrote:
Greg Stein wrote:
The Apache Incubator is about EDUCATION. It is about TEACHING podlings
how to work here at Apache.

I'm a little confused. I'm reading a really long rant here, but I expect if you look at what nearly all mentors do in their respective podlings, this is exactly what they provide (granted, with wildly varying degrees
of effort or attention).

And that is exactly what I'd like to do. But when the Incubator
*imposes* requirements of release that does not meet the project's own
quality guidelines, for an audience of zero, then I call that
"ridiculous make-work". That is my rant. That the Incubator-at-large
is imposing crap on the podling, rather than teaching the podling what
it means to be part of the ASF.

IIRC, Martijn has offered a proper legal review in the place of a "release". This sounded pretty reasonable to me. I would agree to that. I'm surprised you haven't worked with his proposal, to find what I think would be a good compromise.

I agree with you that a release shouldn't be "make-work" -- it should be the natural evolution of a community creating code. But I'm bit puzzled by your extreme urgency for a fast incubator exit. Incubator overhead would seem to be greatest for a release (which is not in your immediate plans, it seems). Until then, overhead for board reports and voting in new committers/pmc members would seem to be a minimal burden.


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