
> +1. Indeed, this "looks like nothing has been done to correct these issues"
> is false, insulting, and misleading.

I'm sorry about that, I looked at the release and saw no changes from the last 
review and wrongly assumed that previous feedback had not been discussed. I 
should have looked deeper or asked some more questions before voting.

I still have some concerns re the binary files, but if your mentors are fine 
with it then that’s OK by me, and the copyright issue is going to be addressed 
by removing the files in question so that good.

However, there’s still one major licensing issue that was brought in both 
releases that I cannot find any discussion on. That is you seem to be in 
violation of several licenses conditions by not including the full license 

The other less serious issue is missing stuff from the LICENSE file, I’ve not 
done an exhaustive check but a simple spot check showed the release to included 
BSD licensed files that were not mentioned din LICENSE. They are probably more 
files like this.


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