Serge Knystautas wrote:

> Noel J. Bergman wrote:
>> Remy Maucherat wrote:
>>>it is obvious Apache has the notion of company contributions.
>> Companies authorize individuals where their employment agreement might be
>> conflict with a CLA, and companies can provide a Software Grant in the
>> where the existing IP is owned by the company.  This applies equally to
>> Sun, BEA, Gluecode, DevTech, or JBoss.

> This is an accurate legal description but not really an issue to me.

I was addressing only that aspect of it.  The positioning aspect is much
more contentious.  I agree with your expression of discomfort at how
companies --- not just JBoss --- market their relationships, but that's
something I would be happy to defer to the PRC.

> I think one of the great things about the ASF is that it does allow
> commercial involvement in their projects.  I'd love us to figure out how
we ARE comfortable thanking JBoss, IBM, etc.. rather than only reacting
when we feel a line is crossed.


        --- Noel

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