Rony is a PMC member.. However the -1 of Sebb (which is binding and blocking) 
is still there (unless
I missed his +1)..
Added Rony to the jakarta-pmc authorization file (thanx for spotting this)..


Thomas Vandahl wrote:
> Hi Roland,
> Roland Weber wrote:
>> Hi Thomas,
>>> I could not find any information about whether Rony Flatscher is a
>>> member of the PMC
>> In the committers-only SVN module is a file board/committee-info.txt
>> which lists the PMCs of all Apache projects. It's (supposed to be ;-)
>> the authoritative source. Rony Flatscher is listed there as PMC member.
> I came across some commit message regarding asf-authorization which
> contained a list of members of the jakarta-pmc group and he was not
> listed there. So I was unsure.
>> I'm not sure myself how Sebastian's -1 will be weighed here. I would
>> have expected that the NOTICE and LICENSE files get fixed and he
>> changes his vote. As by his last mail on the topic, the content in
>> SVN did not get fixed. If you changed the release files manually, you
>> should commit those changes to SVN and give Sebastian some time to
>> change his vote.
> We were voting on the artifacts on, not on
> SVN. This is at least what I understood the release-then-vote-policy
> means. I have committed the latest changes and moved the tag, however.
> If Rony is a PMC member we have a result of 3 +1 votes, which should be
> sufficient. However its up to the PMC to decide this.
> Bye, Thomas.
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