
Actually, that's not true.  Releases cannot be vetoed by a -1.  See

If there's a majority approval and at least 3 +1 PMC votes, than it's up to
the release manager to decide whether or not to release.  He can decide to
table the vote based on feedback, if so desired.  (We had this issue in the
release of Velocity 1.5).


On 6/3/07, Martin van den Bemt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Rony is a PMC member.. However the -1 of Sebb (which is binding and
blocking) is still there (unless
I missed his +1)..
Added Rony to the jakarta-pmc authorization file (thanx for spotting


Thomas Vandahl wrote:
> Hi Roland,
> Roland Weber wrote:
>> Hi Thomas,
>>> I could not find any information about whether Rony Flatscher is a
>>> member of the PMC
>> In the committers-only SVN module is a file board/committee-info.txt
>> which lists the PMCs of all Apache projects. It's (supposed to be ;-)
>> the authoritative source. Rony Flatscher is listed there as PMC member.
> I came across some commit message regarding asf-authorization which
> contained a list of members of the jakarta-pmc group and he was not
> listed there. So I was unsure.
>> I'm not sure myself how Sebastian's -1 will be weighed here. I would
>> have expected that the NOTICE and LICENSE files get fixed and he
>> changes his vote. As by his last mail on the topic, the content in
>> SVN did not get fixed. If you changed the release files manually, you
>> should commit those changes to SVN and give Sebastian some time to
>> change his vote.
> We were voting on the artifacts on, not on
> SVN. This is at least what I understood the release-then-vote-policy
> means. I have committed the latest changes and moved the tag, however.
> If Rony is a PMC member we have a result of 3 +1 votes, which should be
> sufficient. However its up to the PMC to decide this.
> Bye, Thomas.
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