On Wed, 2005-01-19 at 21:28 -0800, Brian Beattie wrote:
> > No I don't see, if I can produce an arbitrariy message, signed by the
> > key associated with an ID, be it email, Drivers License, Passport,
> > fingerprint whatever, than I am that persona or I have stolen their key,
> > or I have broken the algorithim.  Stolen keys are a problem nomatter
> > what. 
> I probably missed part of your point, so let me add a few things, first,
> do you know how easy it is to get a fake ID?  Secondly, when I have been
> dealing with [EMAIL PROTECTED] for years, exchanging email and code, how
> much to I care if the name on their birth certificate is Georgi Georgiev
> or Frank N Stein, or Judy Garland.  The person I know is [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> not Georgi Georgiev.

That is the reason for asking for *two* forms of identification.

Also, apparently, since you've been dealing with [EMAIL PROTECTED] for
years, then I must be him, no?  Well, my email address above says that I
am him, so how could I not be?

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Operational/QA Manager
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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