On Fri, 09 Aug 2013 11:58:11 +0300
Samuli Suominen <ssuomi...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> On 09/08/13 11:46, Tom Wijsman wrote:
> > On Fri, 09 Aug 2013 08:39:20 +0300
> > Samuli Suominen <ssuomi...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> >
> >> On 09/08/13 04:05, Zac Medico wrote:
> >>
> >>> This seems like a possible applicatio for "mix-in" profiles like
> >>> Funtoo uses:
> >>>
> >>>     http://www.funtoo.org/wiki/Flavors_and_Mix-ins
> >
> > Thanks, that definitely looks interesting; reading it I actually
> > would love to see this implemented to ease the user from switching
> > from one to another init system, or whatever needs switching in the
> > future.
> >
> >> What if eg. profiles/targets/desktop would have sub directory
> >>
> >> profiles/targets/desktop/systemd which would have a 'parent' of
> >> '..' with USE="-consolekit systemd" and more importantly, the
> >> could-be kludge to setup the /usr-move, the could-be environment
> >> variable to disable functionality of gen_usr_ldscript...
> >>
> >> profiles/targets/desktop/gnome with 'parent' of '..' and
> >> '../../systemd' ...
> >
> > Let me stop you right here; part of this idea came to mind
> > yesterday, but I saw a flaw in it so I did not suggest it:
> >
> >    What if a certain profile needs to support two such profiles (eg.
> >    upstart and systemd) that have conflicting choices (eg. one
> > profile lists -systemd, the other systemd); then you can no longer
> > list both as a parent as they will simply clash and make
> > conflicting changes.
> Sure you can, simply by counter effecting the parent as suggested, if 
> parent lists '-systemd' then the actual profile can set 'systemd'
> Plus it would be the main systemd sub profile that would be 'top
> most' in the parent file, causing it to enable 'systemd' even if the
> 'second top most' disables it
> > Of course this isn't a problem for this situation, but it may
> > become a problem in a future situation if we're going to follow
> > this practice; that's why I think now that mix-in profiles fit the
> > purpose better.
> I'm not seeing the problem...

Eh, I'm having a hard time to wrap my head around your paragraph; but I
think that you're referring to different things than I do, so I don't
really see how it can be done that way. Let's talk in terms of files.

Let me pose it differently to get it more clear:

    with 'parent' of '..' and '../systemd' and '../upstart'.

    which sets some USE flags, masks and / or unmasks.

    which sets things that conflict with the systemd profile.

If you now select profiles/targets/desktop/something; it doesn't allow
you to run something with both systemd and upstart, 'cause it conflicts.

What actual file change would you make to solve this? I don't see it...

(If the user instead selects a mix-in on top of a profile, it works.)

With kind regards,

Tom Wijsman (TomWij)
Gentoo Developer

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