On Wed, 25 Jun 2003, Jan Drugowitsch wrote:
> I would read the ISP's policy before asking about connecting a network to your
> ADSL connection. Many of the ISP's I know do not allow that. Although asking
> itsself wouldn't do any bad they could get aware of the fact that you are
> trying to do that. That would not be worrying either if I wouldn't have read
> about a method about half a year ago which describes a method of how to
> detect such a network by tracing IDs of TCP packages. This could put you on
> the ISP's watchlist and this wouldn't be a good thing. So before contacting
> the ISP: Read their policy!

Furthermore, using NAT on a public routable IP in the state of Michigan is
a felony... I don't know about other states, but I wouldn't be suprised if
it's that way elsewhere too.


 Rev. Jeffrey Paul    -datavibe-     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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