031021 Tyler Cunningham wrote:
> sadly Windows will remain as widly used as it is for  >= 2 yr  more.
> so many people buy their computers from makers like Dell
> and just use it for email, internet, word processing and video games.
> Until major PC makers decide to start selling PCs with Linux pre-installed,
> the majority just aren't going to use it.

exactly: most people decide to "buy a new computer"
& accept whatever OS they find in it, which today is nearly always M$.
it won't be long, however, before the salesman tells them:
"We've got this one with the latest Windows 2005 for  CAD 900
& there's this other one with Linux for  CAD 600  ... ".
that's when baron Bill's goose wb finally cooked.

> Mandrake is the closest to the perfect desktop distro for new users.
> once they reach 10 they'll have all the little bugs & quirks worked out

no, they'll replace the 9.2 bugs'n'quirks with 10.0 bugs'n'quirks,
just as they've been doing since 6.1 (smile).

i'm a  100 %  Linux user.  i suffered from govt cuts 1996-9 
& was forced to rely on my trusty XT + a university IRIX system
& missed the whole Windows 95 revolution.  as soon as i could afford it,
i built a fairly upto-date machine, installed Win98 + Office2000,
which i never used, & almost at once installed Mandrake 6.2 ,
which did everything i was used to on the XT + IRIX & more.
later, i updated to Mdk 8.2 , then 9.0 .  during the past summer,
i built another much faster machine & would have installed Mdk 9.2 ,
but they no longer publish it on the I/net right away.
so faced with a  6 wk  wait & having broadband & a hi-speed machine,
i decided to have a go at Gentoo, which proved very easy to install
& has the extra advantage that i have just those items i really want,
not  2 K  packages taking up  2,5 GB  with things i never use.
XFCE 4.0 won't be included in Mdk 9.2 & OO 1.1 only just made it:
i have both compiled for my own hardware.  Gentoo Linux is the future!

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ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|  Centre for Urban & Community Studies
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto

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