On Wed, 09 Feb 2011 15:34:59 -0800, walt wrote:

> On 02/09/2011 02:31 PM, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> > On Wed, 9 Feb 2011 23:23:50 +0100, Nils Holland wrote:
> >
> >> Thanks a lot, I've read your mail just in time. Actually, glibc 2.13
> >> krept onto my first machine Monday night - I generally test new
> >> versions of such "far reaching" stuff as glibc on a single machine
> >> first before letting to onto all of my boxes. I didn't have any
> >> problems with the new glibc, and tonight I would have updated a few
> >> additional machines, one of which happens to run Postfix.
> >
> > That's what happened to me, I updated one box, rebooted, made sure
> > things worked and then updated the Postfix server and the prelinked
> > desktop.
> Could you explain a bit about prelinking?  Does it have anything to do
> with the sys-devel/prelink package or the gentoo 'prelink' useflag?

http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/prelink-howto.xml explains it, although it
misses out the part about it speeding up the reduction of your system to
a useless wreck with a broken glibc :(

Apparently, prelinking is less of a benefit than it used to be. I can't
say I've noticed any difference having removed it this wekk and may well
not reinstall it when glibc is fixed. I suspect a lot will feel the same.

> Or maybe Alan, if he's done polishing his humility plugin :p

What make you think he's got one... or even know what it is :)

Neil Bothwick

Sir! Romulan warbird decloaki»®õ÷üÁ NO CARRIER

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