Alan McKinnon wrote:
Apparently, though unproven, at 02:05 on Thursday 10 February 2011, Neil
Bothwick did opine thusly:

Or maybe Alan, if he's done polishing his humility plugin :p
What make you think he's got one... or even know what it is :)
Yeah, come to think of it, what is that thing anyway? Must be related to the
certificate I got at last year's end-of-year function.

After all the usual ones (employee of the quarter), and the unusual ones (most
gratuitous use of the word fuck in a work context - [my manager]) there was a
special presentation:


For ruling Unix shell and Tacacs access with an adamantium fist.
No exceptions!

Presented to: you guessed it


This reminds me of when I left my puter job. Windows 3.1 came out. I worked with it for a few months then turned in my notice. The song they played at the going away party, "you are my hero". I went to work in sales for a magazine distributor, no computer needed. They thought it was brave of me to change careers. Come to think of it, some may have wished they had changed to right now. The computer field around here is a bit . . . crazy. It's also a low paying job if you can find one.

Now some of you know how much I hate windows. Of course, DOS wasn't much better,


:-)  :-)

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