On Wed, 9 Feb 2011 19:09:14 -0500, Philip Webb wrote:

> (1) I never use testing versions of system pkgs like Glibc &

Someone has to or they'll never get tested.

> (2) I have  FEATURES="buildsyspkg"  in  make.conf .

It didn't help here.

> Beyond those, I'ld say Gentoo users are grown-ups who don't need
> coddling.

The problem is that we are being coddled with the "we won't let you
downgrade because we don't think it is safe for you" ebuilds. We're
asking for less coddling, to be able to make our own decisions and be
able to keep the pieces if they turn out to be wrong. A stern warning
should be sufficient.

Neil Bothwick

Documentation: (n.) a novel sold with software, designed to entertain the
               operator during episodes of bugs or glitches.

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