Philip Webb wrote:
> I have a lot of images scanned from old negatives of non-standard sizes,
> which I had to split up into halves or quarters to process;
> I was careful to use the same settings for each of the sub-parts.
> Now I want to reassemble them into the original whole pictures.
> There are several apps which might do this.
> Jonathan Corbet describes using Hugin (LWN 090910);
> there's also Krita & Gimp & perhaps Imagemagick.
> I have Imagemagick installed, but the others need a number of deps.
> Before I go to a lot of trouble emerging + exploring on my own,
> has anyone else done this kind of job successfully & what did they use ?

I have used hugin but it has been a while.  As long as you have enough
points tied together, it works fine.  The more points the better tho.
It has been updated several times since I used it last so it may be
better or worse now.

I have taken as many as 30 pictures and stitched them together.  I had
three rows of 10.  It was of a park and it looked great when done.  It
took a couple tries to get it just right but it did a good job and that
was a good size project.  Doing 4 or 5 pictures is pretty easy.  Lots of
overlap is the key tho.

I don't know of anything else that can do this.  GIMP and such might
could depending on if the image needed some subtle stretching or
something to fit together.

My advice, hugin is likely your best bet.


:-)  :-)

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