120515 Urs Schutz wrote:
> I just tried with fotoxx.

I hadn't heard of that one : there are so many pkgs in  media/gfx
that it's difficult to be sure I've checked all photo editors.

> This is a semi-manual process, but I liked the resulting image.

It c~b any more manual than Imagemagick (smile).

> The joint is less visible than on brum-2.jpg.

That wb useful : no doubt, I could adjust one of them with Imagemagick,
but eventually there wb  >= 100  similar merges to do,
so some degree of automation wb very helpful.

> It was easy to do an "unbend" after merging
> and therefore the clock and the face on the image borders stay in the image.

Not a problem with Imagemagick.

> This was my first try to do a panorama in fotoxx
> and it took me less than 5 minutes, much faster than with hugin.
> If you like I send you the image to your private mail.

Please do & thanks for this info.

Does anyone else have suggestions re pkgs or methods ?
-- it does look as if this rather simple task is fairly challenging,
so others may benefit if it's on record here.

I have emerged Gimp & will look at what it can do soon :
it has 'layers', which look like what is needed.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|   Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

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