120518 Michael Mol wrote:
> Remarkably simple. Probably because I was only stitching two photos.

-- details snipped --

Thanks : that gives me a 3rd method to pursue.

NB in your result there are some badly curved lines :
bottom right, the front of the tram is badly distorted ;
centre top, the sides of buildings are curved outwards ;
also, the bottom of the photo has been lost, eg the L-side man's eyes,
& the result if smaller than the other  2  results achieved earlier.

No complaint at all ! -- but clearly all methods require some practice.
I've added your result to my I/net 'test' examples (I hope that's ok).

Any other suggestions are welcome -- apparently this is of interest -- ,
but I will turn to other priorities & investigate panoramas a bit later.

BTW the location is Steelhouse Lane with Snow Hill Sta in the background
(I stated it incorrectly before) in May 1953 just before the final trams.
The photo was taken with a Zeiss Ikon camera, a well-reputed make :
perhaps you can find the focal width on the I/net somewhere.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|   Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

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