Peter Humphrey wrote:
> On Sunday, 16 June 2024 14:35:34 BST Dale wrote:
>> I mentioned I found the correct drivers for the CPU and other temps
>> sensors but needed to reboot.
> What sensors are you using now? I just rely on what gkrellm finds; where it 
> shows more than one CPU or GPU temp I choose the highest one.

I finally got around to setting up the GUI part.  I ran gkrellm, love
that thing, and figured out the temps.  When on command line tho, I
stuck a command that filters out the working stuff and spits the info
out for me.  This is the command I use.

sensors -f | egrep '(Tctl|Tccd1|GPU
core|fan1|temp1|fan2|fan3|Adapter|Sensor 1|Sensor 2)'

It looks like this: 

Gentoo-1 ~ # /root/temps
Adapter: PCI adapter
Tctl:        +130.3°F 
Tccd1:        +94.1°F 
Adapter: PCI adapter
GPU core:    900.00 mV (min =  +0.78 V, max =  +1.16 V)
fan1:        2670 RPM
temp1:       +109.4°F  (high = +203.0°F, hyst = +37.4°F)
Adapter: ISA adapter
fan1:                        0 RPM  (min =    0 RPM)
fan2:                     1262 RPM  (min =    0 RPM)
fan3:                      940 RPM  (min =    0 RPM)
Adapter: PCI adapter
Sensor 1:    +107.3°F  (low  = -459.7°F, high = +117503.3°F)
Sensor 2:     +94.7°F  (low  = -459.7°F, high = +117503.3°F)
Gentoo-1 ~ #

That gets CPU, GPU, fans, and I think the m.2 stick is on the bottom. 
Basically, I get everything that is important.  If needed, I just run
sensors -f and get all of it, even things that don't work or have
nothing connected to them. The biggest thing, getting the right drivers
in the kernel so that it can see the stuff correctly. 

I did a duck search.  I don't use Google anymore because of the captcha
thing always popping up. Anyway, I found this web page.

If you scroll down a bit, it tells what some of the sensors are for. 

I also found a video on youtube that talks about how to set the fan
controllers up in the BIOS. I didn't know that I was supposed to set up
the fans before booting and installing things.  Anyway, I made it a
little faster to respond and make the fans really spin up when things
warm up.  When I ran stress, in seconds I could hear the fans speed up. 
I had to mute the TV to hear them tho.  The case has six 140mm fans. 
Three in front, two on top and one in the back.  The power supply kinda
does its own thing.  Linky to video.

I may adjust the CPU fan a little bit next time I boot up.  I'll see
what it looks like and go from there.  It still runs warmer than I think
it should.  Also, I put my finger on the base of the CPU cooler, it
wasn't even warm and it shows it is around 190F.  That sensor must be
deep in the CPU die or something.  Nothing in the mobo is very warm to
the touch.  The VRM heat sinks are a tad bit warm but nothing to worry

I may do some tweaking but as far as the cooling goes, I think I'm OK. 
It shouldn't blow smoke.  I hope. 

Oh, I tried the kernel video drivers, that thing is slow.  I may switch
to the Nvidia drivers and see how that goes.  Thing is, I have another
card coming in.  I may wait until it gets here. 


:-)  :-)

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