Michael wrote:
> On Saturday, 15 June 2024 12:01:26 BST Dale wrote:
>> Michael wrote:
>>> b) Using a bootloader:
>>> Mount your ESP under the /efi mountpoint.  GRUB et al, will install their
>>> .efi image in the /efi/EFI/ directory.  You can have your /boot as a
>>> directory on your / partition, or on its own separate partition with a
>>> more robust fs type than ESP's FAT and your kernel images will be
>>> installed in there.
>> Hmmmm.  If I have a separate /boot, then efi gets mounted under /boot? 
>> Like this:
>> /boot/efi/<some files>
> "...  Mounting the ESP to /boot/efi/, as was traditionally done, is not 
> recommended."
> Please read:
> https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/EFI_System_Partition#Mount_point
>> I'd like to use Grub, it's what I'm used to mostly.  That way I can
>> update grub with its command and I guess update the efi thingy too when
>> I add kernels.  I'm not sure on that tho.  I could be wrong.
> You can still use GRUB.  Example:
> =================================
> EFI Partition:  /dev/nvme0n1p1 type ef00
> Partition GUID code: C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B (EFI system 
> partition)
> Mountpoint: /efi
> Filesystem: FAT32
> =================
> Then you can have a separate boot partition, example:
> =====================================================
> Boot Partition:  /dev/nvme0n1p2, type 8300
> Partition GUID code: 0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4 (Linux filesystem)
> Mountpoint: /boot
> Filesystem: ext2/3/4/xfs/btrfs/etc.
> ===================================
> [snip...]
>>> ~ # du -s -h /var
>>> 17G /var
>> Well, it is large but it should last me a long time.  Who knows what
>> portage will do next.  When the distfiles and such moved to /var, it's a
>> good thing I was on LVM.  This time, I'm not using LVM so gotta plan
>> further ahead. 
> You can use btrfs or zfs and have /root, /home, /var, /what-ever mounted in 
> subvolumes.  This way they will use/share the free space of the single top 
> level partition/disk.

Update.  I just followed the docs.  I had little idea of what I was
doing but I just did what it said.  Dang thing booted, first time.  Even
my fresh new kernel worked.  :-D :-D 

Since I was confused and thought /boot and efi could be the same
partition, I ended up with /boot on the root partition.  I may redo that
later.  It works tho.  Plus, loads of space for other images etc. 

I still don't understand the efi thing.  I'm booted up tho.  I'm happy. 
Now to get temp sensors and stuff to work.  I want to keep a eye on
temps for a bit.  I think the boot media was reporting the wrong info. 
Even the ambient temp was to high for this cool room.  It showed like
100F or something when my A/C is set to 68F or so.  Plus, the side is
off the case at times.  New battle.  ;-) 


:-)  :-) 

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