mike ledoux wrote:

>On Tue, Apr 25, 2006 at 08:44:59AM -0400, Paul Lussier wrote:
>>>Yes, but we don't have a good way of ensuring only one person gets a
>>>vote. Actually, I think this was discussed on the general mailing some
>>>time ago - I just can't find it.
>>How about:
>>  If you want to have a vote, you need to provide a GPG key
>>  which is registered at some public key server?
>I like this idea.
>> 1. It makes sure we can assign one vote per GPG key, which, though
>>    not definitively meets the "one vote per human being" definition,
>>    is probably "good enough"
>I think we could expand this to give a close approximation of "one
>vote per person" by requiring that one's key identity be signed by a
>known GNHLUG key, and the keysigning policy for that key includes:
>  1) in-person verification of at least one form of photo-id
>     (drivers license, passport, etc.),
>  2) verification by signed/encrypted token exchange to ensure the
>     specified email address is owned by the user of the key.
>Then we know the "real" name and email address for each voter, and
>know to flag multiple votes coming from the same name and different
I have a problem with this...

Ok, it's actually 2 problems, but both deal with discrimination.  We
claim that anyone can be a member, but having this as the only method of
voting eliminates two groups of people that I can see.

1) Remote/distant members.  Whether we're talking about people up thar
in the north country, or people on different continents, or the
homebound for that matter, physical presence for identification purposes
limits membership. 

2) People that only come to physical meetings and don't have/understand
keys and how to use them.  Now I admit that this is the weaker argument
and can probably be overcome with some education and a helping hand
getting started, but it is still something to consider.

If we can find a way to address these exceptions (because I don't think
this will be a problem for the majority of the members) then I say tally
ho, let's forge onward with this plan.

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