In a message dated: Mon, 06 Nov 2000 21:40:57 EST
Benjamin Scott said:

>  One topic I'd like to hear about (assuming this isn't one of the ones I
>missed -- I always seem to be busy for the ones I really want to attend) is

I have been asked by several to deliver this talk, and will do so at some 
point in the future.  It's been pushed off about 3 times now since we've had 
outside speakers come in to do presentations.  If someone else has the time to 
prepare a presentation on exmh, I'd greatly appreciate it :)

>  How about mailing list managers?  majordomo vs listman vs listproc vs
>mailman vs whatever.  Anyone here have experience with most or even some of
>these?  I haven't needed to setup a mailing list manager -- yet -- but I would
>really like to know more about them.

That would be great.  How about you research the different list managers and 
I'll schedule you for the February meeting :)

>  How about sendmail alternatives?  Any qmail or exim fans here?

I'll schedule you for March or April on this one, let me know which
is better for you ;)

>  How about a presentation on customizing emacs?  (Yes, I realize this is
>rather like a presentation on "Applications for transistors", but hey...)

Actually, we have someone slated for this, I just haven't finalized the 
details :)

           I'm in shape, my shape just happens to be pear!

         If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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